Friday, February 04, 2005

When blog meets blog.

Or He said, He said.

Synchronize blogs… now.

Since starting my blog, I'd been exchanging emails and chatting with Erik aka RoboCub. Last night, I had the opportunity to meet him, in the flesh, and get acquainted over a few drinks. We met up at The View. Erik is simply, super cool. A dashingly handsome, self-described cub with a dash of geek to make the picture complete, cutie with brains. I'd met his friends, Mark and Gary, all equally sweet guys. They were all Aquarians... eep... I'm a Leo, they're my astrological nemesis. How will a fire sign stay afloat in this water elemental group?!?

I felt the stranger to the group, at first, as Erik handed Mark a DVD of porn!! (damn, I need more friends like this.) Gorge for those of you interested.

Topics of conversation ranged from blogs, bloggers, gay (naturally), dancing (Roxy, Alegria et al), Music (Danny Howells, iPods) and even U68, the precursor to MTV. LOL. Erik and I soon fell into some über-geek talk, Macs, OSX, iPods, Anime (StarBlazers, Battle of the Planets). We had to bring the conversation back to include our company. We did get some alone geek time.

Erik and his martinis, and me with my vodka and cranberry... we were feeling pretty good by the end of the night. Gary (beefy, sexy, cute) came back after dinner with Tom and laundry for one last round of $1 margaritas.

An auspicious beginning to what I believe to be a great friendship. I'm looking forward to some proper dancing and carousing about.


Some geeky pics because I have to. :)