Another gray hair and another.

Luigi is my man at Astor Place. He's been cutting my hair for, what is it now? at least 3 years. He knows exactly how I like it and opts to leave it slightly longer. We're talking an eighth of an inch, so I don't argue. I trust his judgment. Luigi does B.D. Wong's hair. He's got B.D.'s picture on the mirror and I've seen him once, before I got a cut. He lingered a little long afterwards, didn't think he was "sticky." Who knew?
Today's haircut was like any other. I did notice the extraordinary amount of gray hair littering the smock. No, I'm not panicking, more bemused. Admittedly, it was a little shocking. It seemed so much more than usual. It's not from a lack of "friends" who'll gasp at the sight of my hair and exclaim, "Oh my gosh, look at all your grays?" It takes all my power not to retort, "What a shriveled looking prune your face has become," but I digress.
Like most, I attribute my grays to stress. I do question how much credence is in that thought. My first grays appeared in my mid-twenties, maybe earlier. It's a stressful life being me. I could color my hair I ponder for a fleeting moment. Already I feel the "friends" circling. Peck. Peck. I personally like my grays and I'm not so vain. This is what I am, more pepper than salt but all me.
Buzz. Buzz. Luigi's done in 15 minutes. Freshly shorn, a burden lifted from my head, I go.
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