Monday, February 13, 2006

“Home at last… home at last…

Thank the almighty… home at fucking last!!!” my mind was screaming this morning. I was so deliriously tired, I couldn't muster the energy to vocalize it.

After a long, long, long day in McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, we boarded a flight bound for NY at 12:20AM. In total we'd been in the terminal for 11 hours and I'd been up for 16 hours on 1.5 hours of sleep.

The flight: uneventful but damn uncomfortable. Seat 26E, last row, middle seat. The BF sat 1E. We couldn't complain, we were thrilled to have our names called, the BF nearly jumped for joy. This was our biggest win in Vegas.

We'd landed at 8:20AM EST… The JetBlue terminal was a zoo, with people probably in much the same situation as I from the previous night, but in a much uglier and less spacial terminal.

Our luggage made it home TOO!!!

The NY taxi stand was a freezing bore. Vegas had that working much better. The cabbie drove like a maniac, but through slitted eyes (more so from fatigue), I didn't complain as the landscape blurred. Every now and again, I'd ask "Where are we?" not really looking for an answer, not really capable of discerning a landmark, not really caring.

Upon arriving home, I needed to shovel the walk. I weeped inwardly. Sooo tired. The BF went to grab some food as I begrudgingly started. grumble. grumble.

Then the BF brought me the wonderful gift of…

…two Mexicans.

Not for that silly.

"Best $40 I'd spent." exclaimed the BF. No… no happy endings.

I'd just concluded my interpretative performance/impersonation of a ROCK, sleeping soundly, unperturbed from 10AM-6PM. Waking to eat my first meal, lovingly prepared by the BF.

A part of me can't help but wonder if we could have done things differently and had a better time of it. After having put ourselves on standby, we could have hit the strip again. Or we could have said "Fuck it." stayed a few days, without a care (so wasn't going to happen).


The uncertainty of it all and the fact that I was way over Las Vegas, pretty much cinched the fact that I wanted to be out of there. The end result is, we're out of Las Vegas and I'm happy with that.

Vegas Recap: still to follow.