Um… hello? brain? Yeah, this is the nerve center around the left elbow.
Long time no speak. I wouldn't normally bother you with anything but
we've got a problem down here.
Remember Thursday, while working out, I sent you a pain-o-gram. Something didn't feel right during the machine reverse flys.
Yes, you did stop immediately, that much you've learned.
Still that didn't stop you from carrying whatever it was yesterday night.

Um… more robot booty? You couldn't have waited till we felt a better before hefting it home?
Sorry, no point in dwelling. But you need to chill out on the left arm for a while.
:-\ :-| :-]
Oh, you're doing some research now. Hmmm… muscle strain? so we hurt the Triceps Brachii. Probably in fighting to keep the arm straight with too much weight. You did work chest and arms the day prior, didn't give us enough recovery time.
Well, let's rest. No lifting. And you'll need a sling.

No silly, an arm sling. Yeesh.
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