Sunday, December 10, 2006

Club evilBuddha

Trying to invigorate myself into the proper mood to light the christmas tree, I'm piping Proton Radio into the living room via AirTunes on the Airport Express.

Good tunes, a nice deep set of beats. But a little distracting.

I've got the speakers working in two rooms. The living room feels like the club's big room and the office is the chill area where the music is more quietly piped to.

It's making me flighty, wanting to drift from one room to the other. I've always loved the muffled sound of the music in a club while you're in a different room. It'll lure me from one place to another and if it's an especially good tune, to the main dance floor where the full sound hits me.


OOOh, a nice sound is happening now. I'm getting chills.

This is certainly motion to get the tree lighting done faster because I'm starting to look forward to Danny Tenaglia and Danny Krivit's 718 Sessions later today at Pacha. Deep house baby.

Ooh, got to get to work.