Halo: Blog Interruptus
As far as work was concerned, today was dead. There wasn't much heading my direction but I was there "just in case." These are my days since starting this freelance gig. It's pretty sweet. I'm afforded free time when there's no work, a fair amount of which, I dedicate to my blog. Mornings are spent catching up with all my blog reads. When blogging is second nature and my writing skills improve, I'll be more efficient with my time. I can focus on learning new applications, extending my skill set.
Lately, in the instance of no work, there's a new distraction. Halo.
I'd be quietly settling down with my thoughts and I'd hear Halo's "Opening Suite" humming from across the room. I'd turn around to see my manager, looking at me. Calling me out. The gauntlet is thrown and must be answered. We battle. Our favorite game configuration is the board "Hang 'em high", classic Rockets only. I usually win, but my co-workers are getting better. I may not feign anymore.

I love beating the crap out of my co-workers in this game and there's nothing more satisfying then leading your opponent from across the board and blasting them.
However... it's stopping me from what I'd rather be doing, which is writing my blog.
ACK! Blasphemy.
I could just not play you're thinking. Well, none of us have headphones, so everyone hears everything. We play at volumes that rattle teeth and I'd be completely unable to concentrate.
I could protest. So, what I'd be saying is, "I've got no work, I don't want to play Halo and I'd rather be working on my own stuff." I'm basically getting paid for nothing and I'm complaining?
Sigh. Sometimes too much of a good thing is too much.
There's not much I can do in this situation. I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth. While I do have greater ambitions and it's not my intention to stay in this position forever, my last full-time gig did put me through the wringer. Long thankless hours and I was unceremoniously spit out. So, this downtime is good for me. Work will pick up and I'll find new challenges to help me grow.
So for now, might as well have fun.
Lock and load.
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