Miami Weekend Recap

Where to begin… it was simply a weekend where I wanted to put some color back into my pasty self and spend some QT with the BF.
Days were spent sunning on the beach, retiring to the Palace for an afternoon cocktail and nosh, back to the Hotel Nash for a late afternoon snog/nap before striking out again to Score for more cocktails and dinner. We'd fit in some shopping where ever we could. Not an ambitious plan but a plan nonetheless.
Dance Denied
Friend girls, A & M, were down in Miami for Aquagirl, a ladies' party weekend. Thursday evening, at an Aquagirl event at Score, one rather man-ish woman was talking crap to BF at the bathroom about how "this was a girl bar" and "he shouldn't be here", just so she could fanagle her way to use the bathroom first. I saw this happening across the way and it took some restraint from launching into a Cannonball Special and laying her out… or at least, give her a good talking too.
BF handled her and did the gentleman thing by allowing her to use the ladies room first. He stopped short of explaining to her that 364 days of the rest of the year, Score is a "gay" bar, neither discriminating between gay male or female.
I'd thought if I'd wanted to go dancing, I could have tagged along with A & M to one of the Aquagirl dances, but after the bathroom incident, I'd decided that the womyn would not all be receptive to having men around.
Sure, I could have gone out alone. Space was celebarting it's 5 year anniversary on Friday and Oscar G., the resident DJ was spinning. I would have loved to hear him and liked to have see what Space was like, but I managed to not give in. I squelched all impulses to go dancing this past weekend. It wouldn't have been conducive to the whole QT with BF. This weekend however will be a different story. Negotiations are ongoing.
Blog Sighted
Laying on the beach on the second day, my hands behind my head and eyes closed, I was slipping into a sun nap when I felt the icy fingers touch my arm. I opened my eyes to see a handsome, furry, burly, tan latin man hovering over me. Very hot in aviator sunglasses BTW. I was startled since moments before as I'd scanned the beach, I'd mentally "noted" him in my head. Woof! Are you EvilBuddha? he asked. I can't even remember what answer I stammered but I know I said yes. He introduced himself, it was Diego.
OH! Diego! I know you. I think I said. How embarrassing.
I was flattered. He and I exchanged pleasantries and he took off back to his spot on the beach.
For Joe

BF and I had a very, very late lunch on Friday. So we skipped dinner but were hungry at 12:00am. We went to Jerry's. I had an open face turkey sandwich and he had a burger. Yummy! I was saddened as I looked over the space in Jerry's. It must have been a great club. I waited to see if the ghosts would speak to me… but no such luck.
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