Processing Negativity
My allergies have been getting the best of me. Sunday night, I laid in bed and just as I was beginning to doze off, my eyes began to itch and my chest become congested. My breathing became slight ragged. As a result, I stayed up till about 3:00AM before I finally felt okay to sleep.
For the most part, Monday was a normal day. Mood modulation was taxing. Allergies and fatigue were a one-two punch lethal combination. It didn't help that while in my eagerness to get into a four-way…
…video conference call that is, to test out iChat AVs new feature on OS X 10.4 Tiger, I dropped an iSight against my laptop making a nick in the screen. GRRRRRR. Sigh. Breathe. It's a tiny nick, I keep telling myself. My eyes always focus on it. It's hardly noticeable. But it's there. Breathe. And the iChat AV four way SUCKED! We might as well have all been pixel people.
My emotions ran the gamut from melancholy to seething. It took all my logic to keep myself from slipping into a whole "woe as me" bit yesterday. Shit happens. I have to deal. They don't happen because it's my turn or some ridiculous reason. Things slip, things break. This is only the tip of the iceberg I'm sharing, but you get the idea. Kitty's in a vice, it wants out.
Last night, insomnia struck. I couldn't cycle my body back into a normal sleep schedule. It could've been that I was dead set on finishing Untold Legends. That's a bit unclear as I sat up playing my PSP.
I've defeated some big bosses yet the story continues. It's like Lord of the Rings - Return of the King with all it's false endings. Although, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself. I've got Rengoku waiting in the wings as soon as I've finished.
Today is more of the same. Eyes itchy, I'd just gotten over some agitation I was feeling, probably because of the lortadine.
I'd done a nice walk down into SoHo. Stopped into Best Buy to pick up a few things.

Then it was down to the Apple store to see if I could find something to "fix" the screen. No luck. Got something coming from RadTech, and I'll hold them to their claim that it'll "polish away most existing light scuffing you may have!" Fingers crossed but not confident it'll be what I'd like.
Shot back up to Astor Place to see Luigi and get a haircut.
Feeling much better since I had some lunch. I have to be cognizant that I eat. I get severely moody when my blood sugar runs low. I had a panini and some tortilla soup. The soup was good and spicy, made the back of my head sweat.
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