Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Unconscious Dialogue

I hadn't seen him out in quite some time, but here he was before me, dancing. The music was inaudible, unimportant.

Noticing me, he glided over. Scooping each other up, we hugged and kissed. He tasted of liquor, like the first time we'd kissed. It was a friendship borne of seeing one another out all the time. At first, there was nothing overtly sexual or flirty. As we encountered each other time and again, an attraction grew until that first kiss. He'd said, "This has been a long time coming." I couldn't have agreed more. Now, like then, I drank him in, intoxicated by his presence.

Things blur for a moment and I lose track of him. No matter, I feel I'll see him again.

He re-emerges later, energetic and sober, suggesting we grab a bite. This catches me by surprise, pleasantly. While he's been cool when we've run into each other, it's never extended beyond the confines of a club. I welcome the opportunity to talk with him alone.

We end up chatting in some non-descript diner.

"I haven't seen you out. Where have you been?"
"I've been out. But I've been avoiding your friends."
"What? I don't understand… Why?"
"Because we failed." He says, sadly.

In that instance, I'm shocked by his frankness as well as elated that we can have an open, honest discussion.

I stammer a response, I don't even know what I'm saying. But I feel like I'm crumbling.
Reality slips, in the fluttering of consciousness.

I'm awake.
