Shopping is…
…therapeutic. Expensive too… but isn't normal therapy too?
Picked up a Victorinox Grandfield jacket on Saturday.

I'd originally tried one on while I was in SF. Loved the fit, thought the price tag too high. I'd hoped to find it at a more reasonable price online or otherwise.
No such luck on cheaper, but I still wanted it.
Online searching was fruitless. Not to mention, I'm a bit skittish about purchasing clothing online.
The Soho Swiss Army store had none in the color I wanted. Complete waste of time. Listed as a retailer for Victorinox's website was Bloomingdale's, so off I went since they're website listed no Victorinox apparel for men. I was hopeful that Bloomies would work out. I'd been holding onto a Bloomies' giftcard for nearly two years and defray some of the cost.
Bloomingdales was well-stocked with Victorinox apparel, having the Grandfield in the color I wanted. All that was left was to pay. The courteous salesperson informed me that the card had indeed expired but after a few minutes, had the expiration extended. Yippee. So I got the jacket I wanted AND did not pay full cost. Score one for me.
Then I went to Best Buy and did some serious damage as only I could.
I'd only meant to stop in and check out some games.
I picked up Tomb Raider: Legend for PS2 and Half-Life 2 for Xbox at $20 (WHAT A BARGAIN!). Then I realized that Tomb Raider was available for Xbox and Xbox 360.
Here's where my twisted logic and justification process go askew. I questioned why I would pick-up a game for an inferior system when I'll purchase the updated, newer system soon anyhow.
*Start Slippery Slope*

*End Slippery Slope*
I feel guilty but infinitely better, thanks.
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