Wednesday, July 26, 2006


It’s been a tough morning.

Indigestion-induced insomnia kept me up late. My stomach had been sour early in evening, but that didn’t stop me from having dinner with my friend Oscar. The company and the food were great but it laid on top of an already troubled base. We walked about the West Village in the beautifully cool, evening. That kind of helped. Oscar mentioned dessert. I nearly burst from the thought.

Burp. Ugh.

Around 1:30AM, sitting and looking up at the ceiling, I rued my consumption decisions.

2:00AM, I laid/sat in bed, hoping to fall asleep. The BF cuddled close and I warned him not to squeeze. Fitfully, I did sleep, getting up only once but returning right away. In my dreams, I think I’d been visited by an animal spirit. Could’ve been the burrito talking, if not, I wonder what it means.

I dragged my ass this morning. I woke late. I ached, I pained. I was hemming and hawing to myself about everything. It was ALL bleak.

After struggling all morning, I gave up the thought of going to the gym. I’ll chalk today up as a rest day.

Instead, I picked up lunch. I was hesitant however I was starved. Walking to the spanish store around the corner, my tired eyes squinted from the blazing sun. The balmy air blew hotly, lulling me into sleep. Grabbing soda and chicken stew over rice, I rushed back. I ate voraciously, happily.

Everything is rosy again. Still fatigued, I stopped my spiral towards a hunger-induced depression.
