Tuesday, January 02, 2007

System Check

Running full diagnostic…

- Addled/scrambled from the past weekend's NYE activities. (Obligatory: Happy New Year!) As soon as an independent thought can be maintained, with little effort, a more thorough recap will ensue.

Could use a haircut.
Teeth keep going numb.
Ringing in ears, louder than usual.


Neck - Feeling some residual tightness that started the beginning of last week but within tolerances.

- Looks fine but smaller than I'd like. Increased cardio activities are not allowing my body to grow muscle.

Arms - Ditto.

Shoulders - Must be fine, since I had two visiting Russian women admiring/touching them on the coat check line at Crobar. Flattering but your womanly wiles were wasted. Room for improvement.

Back - Slightly sore. You try dancing 17 hours within a three day time frame and see how it feels.

Stomach - Abs are there. Could use some more refinement/tone. Going to have to thumb through this for tips.

Waist - Think I dropped another pants size this weekend.

Butt - Admirers may disagree however like my chest, good but could be better.


Thighs - Could pack some size back on them. Haven't worked them in forever but they'll respond immediately. Time to whip out this.

Joints - I'm getting older. They aren't refracting as easily as they used to. Still holding things together but they do protest now and again.

…end diagnostic.

Resolve to pack on 5-10 lbs. of permanent, lean muscle this year. (This is my only resolution.) Which also means, I have to be more mindful of eating what my body needs. At the moment, I eat more like a bird which is unhelpful to my plight.
