Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Just one more game… please?

I swear, It'll be the last one.


Sorry, I couldn't resist after reading this article…
PC Gaming Should Be Classified As 'Addiction'

A cursory search on google with 'gamer' and 'death" yielded the following results:

Death of a game addict
Gamer deaths raise addiction issues
Second gamer dies after massive binge

As I scan through these articles again, it is sobering. They may not be abusing drugs, but people are doing serious harm to themselves. It would be pathetic if it weren't so immensely sad.

I'm not poking fun at addiciton. I won't pretend to know all the reasons for addiction, but I understand the nature of the beast. I've looked into its eyes. From my POV, it begins with an escapist journey, a hollow pursuit. Nothing is greater a hollow pursuit than video games. It is pure fun and folly, but anything taken to extremes, can become all too consuming. Moderation is the key. Abstinence isn't always possible. I'm talking about the larger topic of addiction, not just video game addiction.

In regards to extremes, of any kind, leading to addiction, I look at it like this: if it hampers me from earning a living and supporting myself, takes me away from the people I love, is life threatening, then it adds no value to my world, my REAL world.

Life is too precious to be wasted obsessing on any one thing. There's a whole world out there. Unplug. Disconnect. Detox. Breathe. Go live.