Must Resist
Sorry for the recent lack of posts. I've been distracted, thanks to this item.

Initially, I resisted. Much of that was due in part to the fact that I'd already had an iPod. Ok, iPodS. Do I use them all? Yes. Can I justify them all? Yes. Do I need them all? No. I can certainly live without some of them but why should I? Anyway, two weeks ago, the new iPods were announced, sparkly and new. My co-workers and I marveled at the inclusion of video. However, I resisted, really I did. I didn't have a need for it and didn't want to pony up another $400 for yet another iPod. I had a 60gb iPod, fairly new and barely used and there was no way I could truly justify another, even if it did have video. My manager asked if I'd be interested in selling, but immediately retracted the offer since he wanted the video capabilities of the new iPod.
My resolve held up until last weekend when it waned. I blame MacBoyX. Hmmm, upon reflection, that's unfair. I am a technophile. I own that fact. He's not completely to blame but he's definitely an enabler. MacBoyX asked me for some advice/assistance in figuring out how to rip some anime DVDs to iPod video content. He'd had gotten his iPod via Shanghai I believe. Using Handbrake, he was having trouble. In helping, I went off on a tangent application, Forty-Two Plus VX, ripping anime that I owned. I was frustrated by some anomalies, but it was challenging. Moreover, I was astonished at the relative ease of use.
You see where the seeds of my downfall began.
Slowly I was enticed by the thought of having my video library at my fingertips. Ditching DVDs and having my anime in one place was very attractive like eliminating the need to carry CDs, the reason I'd come to want my first iPod.
Sure, Forty-Two could make content ready for my PSP but all I had was a 512mb memory stick. What could I possibly store on that? Additional memory sticks would be good, but still limiting. A 2gb memstick would cost up to $300, so not worth it.
Monday at lunch, I walked to the Apple store. I looked, I touched. Sigh. I couldn't and I didn't.
"Do you want to buy my iPod?" I proffered to my manager upon returning to the office, not expecting any serious consideration. "How much?" he asked. I gave a great price which included the 2 year Applecare contract and a case. Fifteen minutes after the handshake, sealed the deal, I was back at the Apple store.
Needless to say, it has been an iPod love fest. So far, I've converted over "Samurai 7" and Godannar. I've been watching those on the train. This has been good practice as the BF decided an iPod would be a great gift, for a very, very good friend. (Sorry, not taking any new applications for "very, very good friends." Hopefully, this doesn't spread around as iPods are the exceptional gift as opposed to the rule. ) So, I've gotten another one and as a matter of course, I have to give her some starter media. *start sarcasm* Gotta love gifts that keep giving back to me. Great!! *end sarcasm* Truthfully, she's the BF's best friend and was truly helpful during his father's funeral.
That's my update. Back to ripping. Later.
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