Quiet Time.
I wish I could report that I had a raucous and crazy weekend, alas, no. That would be a lie. Last week was a full week of work and coming into the weekend, I was looking forward to some quiet time. To start, the BF had headed out to meet some friends for long overdue drinks on Friday night, leaving me to my own devices. I picked up some take out and curled up at my computer to play Myst V: End of Ages. After some missteps on the G5 (see imexplicable crashes), I installed it on to the PC, playable and stable albeit slower video than the G5. I'd played it throughout the weekend. Myst V is a gorgeous game but it has turned me into a smoldering pile of frustration. Puzzles in logic (at least I hope they all are) that stretch the mind, but take time and patience to decipher. I'll hit my stride soon.
The BF floated in late, nicely soused. I put him to bed and resumed my gameplay for a short time longer before retiring to bed myself.
Saturday was a rainy, miserable day, fine for doing nothing and playing more games.
I had nothing on the agenda in terms of clubbing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Madonna was in town at the Roxy. I'm shocked that she did show. I would have been interested, but not enough to run out and deal with a crowd of screaming homos. Nosireebob. Not to mention, I dislike the Roxy. Nonetheless, Madonna was there and people enjoyed her appearance, so I hear.
So, with the Roxy far from my mind, the BF and I had dinner with friends in Brooklyn at Rice. Mmmm, thai food, nothing better than spicy food on a cold, dreary night. This was followed by coffee and pastries at Mona Lisa Bakery. Mmmm, mmmm good once again. Nothing beats Italian desserts in Brooklyn.
Sunday, the BF and I headed to his sister's for his niece's 5th birthday party. We had to stop at TRU to pick up gifts, which invariably ended up being gifts for me. As we walked across the lot, we ran into an old bowling partner. J was running into buy video games for his kids. TRU was having a sale, buy 2, get one free. How could I resist?

Of course, I needed these like I need a hole in my head.
Spent plenty of quality time with the BF. He left this morning for SF on a two day business trip. Again, I'm left to my own devices. What to do? What to do?
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