Crash Commuting.
I look up every minute or so, to make sure I haven't missed my stop. No? Good. Back to my PSP and Burnout Legends.

Initially, I resisted getting the game, as I always do. Reasoning, It's essentially a pared down, re-hash of the console version of Burnout 3 Takedown. I'd played, at best, 20% of the Xbox game before shelving it. I'd probably end up shelving BL PSP too, I figured. Besides, wouldn't I rather pick up Burnout Revenge Xbox? Ah… why bother? 20%… what a waste.
After reading some impressions and my co-worker getting it, I caved and bought it. Still, I resisted playing. I had plenty of other things I wanted to do on the commute in/out: reading, some audiobooks I could get through, write some blog entries. They're more productive than playing video games.
Yet, here I find myself slamming gleefully, into computer controlled opponents. Can't miss my stop? Am I there yet? No? Good. Time for one more lap. Eat concrete you cocky bastard!!!! Damn. Takedown Avenged. Ouch.
It's good fun. My hands have adapted to playing again.
Past two days, I've occupied my train ride doing the Crashbreakers on BL II. Basically, you're given a short run to pick up some coin/boost and then make as big a boom as possible/ incurring as much financial/collateral damage as possible in your final crash. How much damage you do is rated by a medal and the damage cost is added to your pool. Currently at 18% completion of the game. Fun. Fun. Fun. Must remember NEVER do this with AutoLove.
One drawback, during off times, I find myself humming the Green Day-esque music tracks from BL II, which are so not like me. Ew. Small price to pay. BL II is highly recommended. I'll have to hang with B&B and race him.

Co-worker has abandoned Burnout Legends PSP for X-Men Legends II PSP, which I 'd also picked up. However, I swore I wouldn't play XL II, PSP or Xbox, until I've played through X-Men Legends on the Xbox. Progress report: I'm preparing to enter the Astral Plane with my team to free Professor X from the Shadow King. Good stuff.
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