Monday, January 22, 2007


I hadn't resolved anything as most people do in the new year. But I'd decided that I'd pursue some fitness goals with greater verve than I'd been at the end of 2006.

22 days into 2007, I've fallen off track.

My weak-minded self has allowed me to trip up on some typical pitfalls.

I look okay.
I think.
That's the root cause of my unplanned deviation.
I've allowed myself to justify bad habits and slacking, like…
Have another cookie/donut/piece of chocolate/helping of rice/pasta, you'll work it off at the gym.

Further compounded by,
You can skip the cardio, you've danced a lot this past weekend.
This has been a major stumbling block.

2007, well more like the last month has been fun thus far.
Let's do a quick rundown since I've been neglectful (as well) with this here blog.

Dec. 22nd - Pacha with Tedd Patterson
Dec. 28th - Cielo with Tom Stephan (SuperChumbo), opening by Honey Dijon
NYE- Eve Dancing with the Robos at Roxy with Peter Rauhofer
NYE- Chus and Ceballos w/ Victor Calderone @ Crobar with Friend Frank, J, H and N
Week after NYE - I think I actually took a break *shocked*
Jan. 11th - Frankie Knuckles’ BIrthday at Cielo with Shapeshifters
Jan. 12th - Bar Traipse to Secret and then mr. Black First Year Anniversary with O.
Jan. 14th - Alegria Tribal at Crobar with the Robos.
Jan. 20th - D’s Birthday party with O, followed by Peter Rauhofer @ Roxy

Hmmm, looking over that list, it’s a lot.

I know, I’d been going to the gym, but I can’t remember doing a cardio workout in that entire time.

I’d think, with that amount of dancing, I’d be in excellent cardiovascular shape. But it doesn’t seem to be so.

Last two events, I hit a wall. I was fine, but my body just suddenly wanted to stop. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was in both cases, but after today, I think I have.

Attempting to get myself back on track, I did a full cardio workout. Nothing big. 30 minutes on the elliptical crosstrainer with a decent amount of resistance.

It was hard. I got a familiar, long forgotten pain in my side, I used to run hard and beyond exertion, it felt like gourd was forming on the left side below my ribcage.

I was struggling. I felt like I wanted to hurl. It was unpleasant. My body was reaching the point of exertion, far sooner than I’m used to.

I’m displeased and upset with myself.
I’d lulled myself into thinking I was healthy and fit, but my laziness was catching up to me.

So until I feel righted, the dance machine will take a hiatus. 2-3 weeks of hard work at the gym will get me going in the right direction. Focus on the core of my health with little distraction.

It’ll be good and when I re-emerge, it’ll be all the better.

In the meanwhile, I’ve got plenty things off the dance floor, keeping me busy.

Apparently, I'm suffering from Blue Monday.
Hat Tip: Aaron via Joe.

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