Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Blackness interrupted.

It's Tuesday. A restful sleep was elusive last night. I'd gotten up several times to grab a drink of water and hit the head, not necessarily in that order. A heavy dinner, caffeine too late in the evening and a donut (ok two donuts, I'm such a fat ass) didn't help matters. I recall having some bad dreams... nothing too troubling. Not like the time I saw myself being shot in the head or backing my car off the side of a building as I watched windows flash by but troubling enough to leave an impression.

Waking and preparing was a chore. As I sat on the train this morning, I felt the familiar crawl of my psyche, into a deeper, darker mood. I scanned the train for a moment... and fell upon a familiar face. It was a fraternity brother, younger than I and for the life of me, I couldn't remember his name. He'd come into the fraternity after me and I didn't know him well. Dressed in a suit, shoulders slumped, he looked really tired and haggard, older than his years.

Seeing him, spun my thoughts into a different direction.
I've always bemused myself with how my fraternity brothers have moved into different stages in their lives, marriage and kids. Essentially, I've remained unchanged, aside from living my life by my own rules.

I mentally compared this brother's state before me to my own and decided, I'm not like that. I know, I know, it's presumptuous of me. But then, I just focused on me, what's positive and what's right. Soon I was humming with good vibes again and still going.

My minor epiphany for the morning, I thought I'd share.

Trivial stuff.
Hit the gym, ran for 20 minutes and sweat more than I did Saturday Night/Sunday morning. Ah... good to purge the system. Then hit Best Buy for some new Tuesday and new to me purchases.