Music Whore

I'm looking over my library of music on the computer. Currently, iTunes is reading at 58.96gb for 10,287 songs which translates to 41.2 days of non-stop music. That doesn't include another 2 double-cd sets, I haven't ripped to MP3 as yet. That's an additional 48 songs, which should round out to about 41.4 days. That's a lot of music.
I was an early adopter of the iPod but I'd hemmed and hawed about getting it. The price was prohibitive back then, $500 dollars. But how glorious, 5gbs. I don't even think I had a harddrive on my computer that was 5gbs back then. MP3 was the wave of the future but they started as a novelty. I was acquiring 80's tracks that were a hoot to have, ie. Alan Parson's Project, Don't Answer Me or Asia, Heat of the Moment. I was tracking them down and mind you… this was pre-Napster or any other peer-to-peer sharing.
The BF had gotten me the Sony MS Walkman NW-MS7 for Christmas, the year before the iPod was introduced. I'd never gotten into using it. It's software was PC based and running Virtual PC on my Macintosh was excruciatingly painful. It would transfer 64mb of music. Overnight. If I was lucky. Needless to say, he was none too happy when later that year, I picked up an iPod. And the whoring began.
Converting all of my CDs to MP3, I was no longer carrying my loaded CD case and player. It did however take some getting over the fact that the iPod did not have continuous and seamless music play. This is annoying since most of my CDs are dance compilations, mixed with no pause from track-to-track. I kept my CD player around for that, until it was stolen out of my work drawer 2 years ago. Cursed cleaning people.
I've helped many friends start out on their iPod journey, giving them a starter collection from mine. Technically, I wasn't the one stealing music. On occasion, I let a close friend rummage the collective, for review purposes. Most iPods left full. Got the BF one too, a 10gb but he's not even half-full. I don't understand.
Now 3 iPods later, the original is with my brother. He's made a nice home for it. I may have to ask for it back, for nostalgia. Finally got a PC, still have the NW-MS7, but it doesn't hold a charge for shit. It is a keeper since it does feature seamless MP3 play. Apple, get a clue.
The music collection has continued to grow. In this, I've also become an o.k. trainspotter. I know and I remember the tracks I like when I hear them in a club.
What's in my collection? Majority dance music but there's some non-dance. I don't take ownership of the BFs Mariah Carey music, or the like and I have ripped some CDs for friends which I don't care for ie. Yankee's Stadium Music. What the hell?
But the majority of the music is mine. You've got dance-evilbuddha, nostalgic-evilbuddha and somber/melancholy-evilbuddha music. Of late, you've got funky, blue-sy-evilbuddha music. I've been digging that for my train commutes. Dance music makes me too crazy, especially when I'm hopped up on thermo-energy pills in the morning before the gym.
Here are 3 tracks indicative of dance-evilbuddha. Enjoy.
Always Remember to Honor and Respect Your Mother - Dusted (Deep Dish Loves Their Mother Remix)
Walking On Fire - Evolution
A Little Bit Paranoid - Different Gear
These tracks are guaranteed to get my butt shaking. I've downsampled them to make them more reasonably sized. Get them while you can.
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