Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Joe was reading last night at PS122's WYSIWYG Talent Show. Erik and I were going and grabbed dinner beforehand. I was his date. He'd already picked up the tickets and we met up at Paquito's.

All was quiet, except for the sobbing child.

Erik has already blogged about it and taken away some of my thunder. It was surprising to see the usually mild-mannered RoboCub get riled up. Admittedly, the girl's sobbing was really, really annoying. After a stern "¡Cállate!" from RoboCub, she did shut up. Eventually her papi, for whom she was crying for, emerged and removed the family. From then on, dinner was quiet, save for our own conversation.

We finished with some time to spare. I wasn't going to suggest it, but RoboCub did, so we headed over to Toy Tokyo, to look around. Always a good way to kill time for a robo-holic like me.

We returned to PS122 in time to be seated, in a fast filling room. I hadn't been seated for more than a minute when I overheard to my right, "That's evilbuddha." Coincidentally, we'd seated ourselves next to some fellow bloggers close to our circle, Myoclonus and Meanwhile, Chris and Aaron respectively. I've read both their blogs and have had intentions of contacting them, but meeting them was better.

We spotted Joe sitting in the front but he was unable to get to us with all the hustle and bustle. So we waved, we'd catch up with later.

The theme of the readings was "The City That Never Shuts Up, New York Stories."
The bloggers gave interesting and funny stories. TinMan has inspired me to do an evening walk about New York, like he did sometime soon. I do love the city at night. When you're the only one walking around, the city belongs to you (Cue Glenn Fry). I did this back in London. It's a hoot.

The crazy people we encounter in and around New York was easy fodder for the blog readers. The female bloggers mostly talked about crazy relationships or being a whore. Go figure. Funniest reading had to be Joe, because I'm biased. He had the room in stitches. Hopefully he'll post his readings, but you had to see his interpretations. All in all, entertaining and time well spent. Find them here WYSIWYG.

Afterwards a bunch of us, Chris, Aaron, Joe, Erik, Steve (Joe's friend who does not blog) and Eddie headed to the Phoenix for a beer. We took over the backroom and chatted. But alas I couldn't stay very long. Hope to correspond with the guys I've met. Of course, it was unspoken, but we all agreed to blog the shit out of this night. :-P

BTW, for clarification, evilBuddha does not mean East Village Buddha. It's not an abbreviation like you'd find in, hmm.. oh say, ManHunt. It's evil, yes, evil. I'm evil. Period. Get it. Got it. Good.