"That's la•mé, not lame."
(Minor warning: Some links are NSFW. If you do, be prepared to answer questions like, "Who's that hot guy?" and such. :-P )

The equinox - that period when day and night are nearly equal length - happens twice a year, with the vernal (springtime) occurrence being celebrated as a time for renewal, when days grow longer and warmer. This sunny message also harbors a magical dark side. In ancient times, pagan revelers held wild rituals to release frustrations stored up during the winter. The Saint - a legendary, cutting-edge East Village gay club in the ’80s famous for its domed dance floor - continued this tribal tradition with its annual Black Party. The event lives on through The Saint at Large, and this year’s theme is S/M-tinged Mexican wrestling sport Luche Libre. While strange live acts and masked brawlers will heat up the March 19 stages, in the DJ ring will be Chus & Ceballos vs. Victor Calderone, with Randy Bettis closing the show.
Suggested dress is "heavy." This is my fifth time attending and after last night's shopping trip, the first time I'll be wearing leather apparel.
We met by The Leatherman in the West Village on Christopher Street. It was my first time entering a REAL leather establishment. Admittedly, as soon as we walked into the store, I became inexplicably apprehensive and nervous.
Oh look, porn.
And there's a sling. Okay. (jitter, huff)
Nerves or titillation? Maybe both. Robocub sensed my disquiet. I steeled myself and found my emotional center. Ahh.. that was easy. I never have this problem buying man porn, it's no different, right?
Looking around, Gene, one of proprietors asked what we were looking for. To be honest, I had no real idea. What I originally had in mind were some leather cuffs, but I figured, since we're here…
How about a harness?
How about cuffs?
Decorative or restraints?
Uh… decorative, for sure.
Up front.
So down the narrow, potentially neck breaking stairs we went. Past the myriad of sex toys, we stopped at the harnesses. Picked two and I tried them on. I took off my tops and left my tank top on. "Take it all off," Gene said. I obeyed. He kindly placed the harness over my head and adjusted it, snugly in the right places.
Yow! Easy Gene, that caught my pierced nipple for a sec.
Hmm, my buddha doesn't go.
No, that'll have to go. Shouldn't wear that with a harness.
Sigh… evilBuddha without his buddha would just be... evil. heh. I think I can swing it.
I immediately liked the harness with the techy hardware, clips and such. Robocub agreed. I tried on the other, more conventional harness. Nope, didn't feel it. I'll take the other, thanks.
Before we went back upstairs, we stopped to check out some of the paraphernalia, including what could have been Ben Grimm's dick in dildo form. The display case was filled with various devices for insertion and/or infliction of pain. Hmm... I'm done, let's go upstairs.
I did try on some jeans, but decided I liked breathing and the pair I had on was impairing that. Gene suggested that they should be worn sans-underwear. I've tried dancing like this before, one word, chaff.
I proceeded to try on some cuffs. During this, I learned that depending on the wrist I wear it one on, I'm indicating whether I'm a top or bottom. I only bought one, wouldn't you like to know which wrist? Perhaps it's position will change during the night. :)
Gene continued to be wonderfully patient. He corrected me in my faux pas in pronunciation ,hence the post title, while we discussed the Hanky Code.
Putting my wrist out, he was trying to fasten a difficult cuff.
Turn your wrist over, I can get more control. And I like being in control.
Um... thanks Gene. Message received and understood.
Oh look, porn.
I paid and we three walked out to grab a bite and drinks.
The End. For now.
For full shots of me half-nekkid, wearing the harness (Brian, shield your eyes.) Click the boxes. Enjoy.

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