Day of Errands and Muted Excitement
Let's try posting again. Honestly, I should know better than to write directly into a browser window. It's logical. I shouldn't blame Blogger, but I will since it's frustrating and now I have to rethink and retype. Bitch, bitch, bitch.
I do wish there was another Friday night dance party of worth. I've said this before. Sorry for beating a dead horse. Invariably, I'm up late doing nothing worth spit.
I did play an excessive amount of Doom 3 last night and even successfully troubleshoot a problem I was having with the aforementioned game. It was exiting to the main menu while loading the next level. Not good for progress. Noodled with the hard drive's permissions and that set everything straight.
Moving along in the game, I've been frugal with my munitions. Keenly aware I don't know what is around the corner, so it's best to be well-stocked. The game has me on edge, scared shitless frankly. What did I expect from a game advertised as "an epic clash against pure evil" ? I thought I knew evil. The disembodied voices, the demonic pentagrams and markings appearing out of the blue will test anyone's resolve. Progress is slowing, the monsters are becoming more abundant and my sanity is waning. The less I play the better, but it's soooo good.

ok, the disembodied attack heads are unnerving too.
No Doom 3 today. I had lots to do. Heading into the city, I briefly started up the PSP for a little diversion of Untold Legends. Entering Splinterfull Woods, I was set upon by a large attack party. I died once. Reloaded. Died again. I shut the PSP off. Not in the mood to be challenged this early in the day. Lvl. 19 is looking kind of far off now.
First order of business, I needed a haircut. I was well overdue at three weeks since my last cut. Off to Luigi at Astor Place I went. It was my intention to hit the gym afterwards. Unwittingly, I took my thermo-burst energy pills before seeing Luigi. I was all hopped up when I arrived. Luigi was busy with another client, so rather than sitting and waiting, I ran over to Otakuden to pick up a few import DVDs.

Pretty psyched about all these movies, probably spend the day tomorrow watching them.
The Haircut. Uneventful. I do feel "unburdened" every time I get a haircut, none of that Samson crap.
The Gym. Uneventful. However, could any one explain why it is, when I take something with acetaminophen, I become prone to some sort of muscle discomfort? A cursory google search of acetaminophen has garnered this:
Acetaminophen relieves pain by elevating the pain threshold, that is, by requiring a greater amount of pain to develop before it is felt by a person.
This is particularly disturbing. I've already got a high-threshold for pain (take it however you will).
The reason why I rely upon acetaminophen is, it's the only pain-reliever I can tolerate being aspirin sensitive.
Oh well.. mental note, ask doctor at next check-up.
After the gym, I lazily walked through Chelsea on the sunny side of the street. I was tempted to chow down on some sausage and peppers at the street fair on 23rd Street but decided against it. My body has been out of balance and I still believe in some of my grandmother's old wives tales. Spicy, fried and oily food won't help. Sigh, it would have been delicious. I had a bottle of water, a snack bar and a banana. Boring.
I've been home since 3, napping with some phone interruption, but quietly anticipating tonight. Spoken with Robocub. We're both hesitantly anxious. It'll be fun.
Full recap tomorrow, with the appropriate edits and mindful lies of omission.
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