Going into the weekend, I was emotionally exhausted from last week. I'd gone out Thursday evening, with my friend O for a few drinks at g lounge and then met up with O's BF, M at Viceroy for dinner. I'd knocked back a few drinks and was quite buzzed before heading home. In that time, my body refracted, sobered up and launched myself into a night of insomnia, ridden with thoughts that had been plaguing me. Friday was no fun. Saturday morning, I sucked it up, dealt with the issue head on and have reached an understanding. All is good. "I never did mind about the little things."
The rest of my weekend could be best described as "domestica." There is no such word in the dictionary, but to me, it fits. It was a miserable weekend to be out anyway.
On both Saturday and Sunday, the BF and I went to the hospital to visit his father, who is recovering nicely from surgery. He's got two wicked scars, one on his stomach and the other along his back to his side, lots of staples. He's been up and about, which is good, but jetting about, which is bad. He seemed a little more peaked on Sunday, possibly from an infection the doctors suspect he has, or the fact that he's pushing himself too hard, too fast. Good news is he may be getting out today. No more of those flavorless, mushy vegetable and meat patties he's been subjected too. Bleech. Why is it hospitals smell like a sanitized bathroom or broccoli?
Saturday night, there were ambitious plans. I was supposed to head into the city for a birthday gathering that I would've parlayed into a night out dancing. With the inclement weather and my increasing lethargy, I opted not to go out. I've learned to read the signals from my body and it was saying, "do so at your own risk." Again, I feel something is currently taxing my system, causing intense fatigue. The afternoon nap on Saturday was painful to awaken from and by 8PM I was ready for bed again. Instead, visited my parents and hung out with my younger brother. Odd that in our older years, the siblings can tolerate, even appreciate, each other's company.
Sunday, time flew especially with the loss of an hour to daylight savings. The day was filled with more of the same except after the hospital we visited the BF's sister and his nephew.

Isn't he a cutie? So well-behaved, he cooed and blew rasberries the entire time.
We left, borrowing his sister's steam rug cleaner, which I was excited about. Imagine? Very, very domestic of me. I spent the rest of the afternoon emptying my office/play room and cleaning. It needed it. All the while though, I thought, I should be paying someone to do this, but it's much more rewarding doing it yourself. Basically, deskless ergo homeless until the rug dried, I was a vagabond about the apartment with my laptop.

Finally cracked open Lumines for the PSP (been awhile since I posted about it, so you'll bear with me.) Fun game, very addictive. Simple play mechanics I'm wrapping my head around to master. Give me a day or two. :)
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