Memorial Day Weekend Recap

The weekend was a relaxing one. Though, it's only been a two weeks since my trip down to Miami, it's always welcome to kick back, get some sun and do nothing again.
Rest is one of those things I forget to do, but is much needed by my body. Ironically, I do a great deal more muscle growth when I'm not doing anything. My body can refract and heal all the damage I do to myself at the gym.
We did get in some tennis. I had a chance to try out my new racquet. The BF insisted on getting it for me. He was being pressured by friend A to get me one and felt obligated since I'd gotten him his racquet. On Wednesday, we went to Powers Court on 24th between 6th and 7th during lunch. I'd picked out a Prince racquet, Triple Threat Thunder-something or other superfluous name. We'd gotten a great deal on it. It was strung and picked up by Thursday.
I'm no threat, much less a triple threat but it was nice to hit the ball some. We played on Saturday in the morning and on Sunday afternoon after rafting. Both times, the weather was gorgeous. I'd mindfully kept myself constrained and focused on keeping the ball in or about the court. Friend B was patient and welcomed the opportunity to run around the court some. He needed/wanted the exercise. BF and I had him huffing and puffing. I was too, but was able to adapt quickly. Mostly volleyed the ball back and forth but we did play a set. Had to practice within boundaries if I'm going to learn. It was B versus BF and I.
We lost.
BF was smashed (see drunk) and burning off the alcohol he consumed on the river. Me? I just suck. B gave us some helpful pointers, after the fact of course. Funny.
Beside tennis and rafting, we hung out at the house. Usually, it's a bunch of adults sitting around drinking, playing games and hanging out. It was a different dynamic when you introduce two infants. We weren't as rowdy and loud in the evening. We didn't stay up as late either. B made mention that this Memorial Day Weekend outing may not work out much longer. Oh well. All things must come to pass.
BF and I hit the road around noon yesterday and made it back to Brooklyn in no time. We did stop in on his brother in Staten Island as we passed through. Upon arriving home, I crashed.
Roused in the evening to work on the iPhoto library on my laptop. Damn thing wouldn't trash any of the photos I deleted. After some monkeying around, I had to rebuild the library. Fortunately, I didn't have a lot of photos.
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