Wednesday, June 01, 2005

This Month's Outlook - Busy

With a high probability of dance. :)

June, being the month we welcome summer, is the month where I begin to take leave of my senses and responsibility.

Working for the weekends and all the treasures they may hold, my restlessness is boundless during the week.

June is usually a flurry of activity, culminating with Gay Pride.

A couple of things bouncing around in my head at the moment and being penciled into my schedule are, in order of appearance:

Saturday, June 4th - I bought my ticket, thinking it was a Friday night party. Being Saturday, it'll be a nutty night, given that it's an alternative from Roxy and most 'mos will opt to try something different. Roxy is T-I-R-E-D. It'll be one long night seeing as I've already got a party in Brooklyn. I'll head out from there or head home, relax and then head out.

Saturday, June 11th - (Technically, Sunday June 12th) I nearly forgot about his one. For shame. It's been a little more than a month since Danny played at Spirit and I'm about due to get me a fix of Danny. While Discotheque isn't the greatest venue, it's small... yet intimate. Very appropos for Danny.

Friday, June 17th - Looking forward to this party. Lawler was good with Danny Tenaglia at Roxy, many months back. But I'd like to hear what journey he'll take us on, on his own. Friend Frank will be attending with. We'll be partying it up Friday night and heading out afterwards to Frank's house in Fire Island. So who knows what other parties we'll be attending. :) Going to have to check the schedule for the Pavillion. But no matter, we'll make the best of it.

Not everything is about clubbing and dancing.

Tuesday, June 21st - Well, I can't really say that there won't be any dancing. It will be a bunch of homos. Most of the blog buddies will be attending. Joe will be reading. YAY! Aaron is on a month long vacation, so I'm not sure if he'll be back by then. Who else wants to come with? Get your tickets here. Beers to follow at Phoenix. :)

As for the weekend of Gay Pride, Victor Calderone is doing another Evolve party. It's the Pride version called Light, same party as last year. I had a good time and the crowd was alot of fun. It's on Saturday, June 25 and I'll be missing it. I've got a christening on Sunday, so any Saturday night parties are nixed. I'm not totally heartbroken. Attending the Evolve parties was great, but by the end of the last one, it felt cookie-cutter like Alegria, from which I've taken an undetermined hiatus.

The only thing different with the Pride weekend party is the crowd, entirely GAY! The dynamic of the party will be much more celebratory.

I won't be dancing it up with all my gay peeps. *groan* I could probably use the rest by then anyhow. I'll be keeping an eye for whatever else is happening Friday and Sunday nights, besides the Pier Dance (hello, can you say deathtrap?). I could completely blow off Pride, unless there's a suitably exciting party on Sunday night or a certain blogger from DC pops in to visit. Maybe then I can be persuaded. :)