Fire Island Pines Party 2005 (Pt. 1 of 2)

Friday Morning. I wasn't going. While the price of admission was prohibitive at $125, it was for a good cause, benefitting community organizations funded through Stonewall Community Foundation as well as the FIPPOA Charitable Foundation and the Pines Care Center. The DJ pairing was less than desirable. I took issue with DJ Julian Marsh, a mainstay of the gay party/dance circuit who serves up exactly what I don't want to hear: pure unadulterated circuit fodder-type music. The other was Tracy Young who from previous experiences, can turn it. Lest we forget, I was less than enthused by my last experience in Fire Island with Friend Frank. Given these factors, I couldn't muster enough enthusiasm to go to the FI Pines Party.
Middle of the afternoon, Friend Frank called.
You're coming.
Some arm twisting, huh?
Friend Frank had volunteered 4 hours of his time that Friday afternoon to help set-up the Pines Party, in order to secure a discounted ticket price of $25 (and notably, his name in the FIPPOA 2005 program.) He had fun doing it and arranged through his friend, E, to get me on to volunteer Saturday morning and get the discount.
I agreed. Guess the nutty level on my life was on low ebb. This was FF's show and I was merely a willing participant. He'd call his friend to get make the arrangements and call her for the details. I called, she never called back. Essentially, we were heading out blind and into uncertainty.
Now, on to the fiasco part of our program.
What Friend Frank story wouldn't be a little bit of a fiasco. I've come to the conclusion that his life is entropic. Therefore, mine is too because of my association.
FF said he'd be picking me up at 6:20AM to get to the island for the 8:00AM ferry.
Saturday morning. I wake, dress.
6:15AM - Sit on my stoop. Wait.
Where are you?
I just woke up.
7:00AM - He arrives. In my hand a cup of coffee, requested a few minutes earlier by phone. FF was still hoping to make the 8:00AM ferry. He also informs me, we have to stop at his father's place to pick up something. Laundry.
Shocked? Not at all. Entropy. Anarchy. I'm getting used to it.
7:15AM - On the road, FF was looking to make the 8:00 ferry. Who was he kidding? I didn't see the flux-capacitor or a newly installed warp-core. But he sure did ride that V6 like he did.
I had yet to know the arrangements of my volunteering. Who was I meeting? Where? FF was sending me to the Pine while he took my bag to Cherry Grove. Wonderful. I'd be wandering the Pines.
Hello, sir. Do you need a volunteer?
Imagine the responses I'd have gotten?
8:15AM - Just missed it. We drove into Sayville to grab some breakfast and hang until the next ferry.
9:30AM - On the ferry to the Pines with no idea what to expect. We'd gotten in touch with E and I got a who and a where. I was going to be an hour late. Shrug. I laughed inwardly and was totally unstressed. Going with FF's crazy flow.
10:00AM - Show up at the beach in the Pines. I checked in (an hour late). Ran into JN and T who also volunteered.
Tents were up as were the dance floor and booths. People were rearranging/painting display pieces but lots of people milling around, not doing anything and trying not to be noticed. Lazy!! I was eager to work but nobody could tell me what to do. Finally someone told us to get a rake and collect clumps of seaweed and whatever debris, on and around the enclosed area.
Observation: Some of the most in-shape boys, happen to be the laziest.
A lesbian taskmaster saw to it that everyone pitched in, especially with moving a 4 foot high mound of sand, that ran the length of the dance floor, back 5 feet. I did a few rounds with it, but I was thorough drenched in about 10 minutes. The fit boys? Shoveled for about 5-10 minutes and deserted the first chance they had. Whatever. What's the point of having muscles and working them, if you don't use them? Seriously. Looking pretty isn't worth shit if you're useless.
12:30PM - They distributed the ticket bracelets to the volunteers. I worked hard in my 2.5 hours and I got mine first. :)
They've got a shift coming on at 1:00PM, I hope they work out.
Essentially, $25 per hour... I made that freelancing in college. But this was for a cause.
I may look into some more causes.
Afternoon was spent relaxing, lunching at the Blue Whale. I saw this guy, but didn't get to say hello as he was walking away from me. By the time he came back around, I'd had a mouth full of food. I'd probably spittle all over him if I tried to wish him Happy Birthday.
Friend Frank ran about his "business." My friend/FF's housemate kept me company throughout the afternoon and at Low Tea. Fun. I'd been meaning to hang with J, it was good to finally do so.
Eventually a disco nap ensued.
With minor detours a la Frank, we headed out to the Pines Party, already in full swing at 11:30PM.
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