WYSIWYGing Fall 2005

Also known as, "Oh my gosh those fucking bleacher seats killed my ass so bad last night. Remind me to bring a pillow next time."
Last night's WYSIWYG was the kick-off show of the fall season. Now in it's third year, a big congrats to Chris, Andy and the WYSIWYG crew. Now joined by our very own Dagon as the WYSIWYG intern.
The topic was "FIRST, LAST and Insecurity. The World's Worst Roommates."
I enjoyed all the performances. Many, many highlights and good laughs. The heckler too, but he didn't know when to stop. Good thing Chris snatched the bottle from him.
However, the subject matter did become uneven at times and off-topic.
Why is it straight white male are such bad roommates?
And then I was trying to get this one guy off… wandering off topic.
He then shot in my eye… now leaving topic.
And then someone knocked and I had my boxers down… totally left topic.
So I pretended I was jerking off… topic? we don't need no stinkin' topic.
I opened the door to get hit by a water balloon. And that's why white straight guys are bad roommates. oh, back on topic.
Not harshing on that particular performance, I did like it alot.
Just wasn't always on topic.
Mantra to everyone…
Stay on topic.

As off-topic as it got, still very funny.
It was good to see Joe, Jase, Dagon and Aaron, who joined us after the show. Hope to do it some more. We hit the official WYSIWYG after-party at Company in the East Village, but after a few beers there, we headed off to the Phoenix for some more. I played responsible (yet again) as I needed to be up in the morning.
A great night with good peeps.
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