Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I've left my reader(s) with only my "Office Politics" too long, a depressing post to say the least. In retrospect, not so depressing. I'll explain in a better, more thought out post.

I ask for your forgiveness, understanding and patience (again). Life moves along and blogging takes a backseat. Fear not, all the nonsense and shenanigans and random thoughts are being duly recorded in my noggin for blogging. Noggin for bloggin, I made a rhyme!

So, back to the salt mines for a bit. I shall return with a vengenace.

In the meanwhile, let me point you to a blog I've been enjoying.

Danny Choo
He's got a great looking site. He watches anime, a sci-fi fan and digs cool toys/gadgets. He'd be me if not for the being straight, married and living in Japan thing.

Danny also does an awesome job of building Gundam models, for which his blog is a great resource. I'm dipping my toe in the pool of assembling these models. So, his advice is very useful/helpful.