2046 is the latest film directed by Wong Kar Wai.
His previous works include ChungKing Express and Happy Together.
The plot summary (thanks IMDB)
He was a writer. He thought he wrote about the future but it really was the past. In his novel, a mysterious train left for 2046 every once in a while. Everyone who went there had the same intention.....to recapture their lost memories. It was said that in 2046, nothing ever changed. Nobody knew for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back- except for one. He was there. He chose to leave. He wanted to change.
Cryptic? Indeed.
Thus far… it's been an adventure for me… and I haven't seen the movie yet!!!
Yesterday, when I discovered that 2046 had been domestically released 12/26, I was set in motion to acquire the DVD. My interest in the movie had been piqued by friend Neal and some synopses I'd read.
Checking the Best Buy inventory online, it listed the Chelsea location as having a copy. I headed up there. With my gym bag and laptop bag, I resembled a pack mule, a hobbled pack mule as my shoulder twinged in pain as I lifted things. overworked it a bit at the gym apparently.
BEEP. BEEP. The security alarm rang as I walked into BB.
Was that me? I hope it wasn't me. Damn it probably was me.
Earlier in the day, I'd received an order of anime and a small cache of man porn, all of which was in my gym bag. Unbeknownst to me, one had an active security tag. Well… that's not completely true. I knew there was a possibility that a tag could be active with online purchases… it'd happened before but I took a chance.
In the bustle by the entrance, nobody noticed my alarmed entry. I stood for a second hoping that I could get whatever it was deactivated, but it was too crazed. It was going to be fun trying to leave.
Long, short, no 2046 in the Chelsea store. Time to go.
Sir, do you have any items in your bag?
I got some stuff online.
I took out the anime, hoping it was the one that caused the security alarm.
Waving it in the sensor area, no beep.
It must be something else, he mumbled.
I'd rather not take out what it might be. I said.
**Dumbfounded look** Go on through.
**Dumbfounded look on me** POOF. I leave.
Sheesh, is that all it takes? I could be robbing the place blind. But that was the past… I'm better now.
To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure who I'd be embarrassed for if I had to reveal my man porn in the bag. Me? Heck, it's mine. I watch it. I'm gay, yes, but I guess I don't have to go parading it around, spewing man porn DVD cases from my bag. Sigh. Why must everything be a test?
Needless to say, I stayed away from all stores thereafter for fear I'd be asked to show the contents of my bag.
Today, I finally found a copy of 2046 at the Best Buy in Brooklyn. I'll post an impression of the movie as soon as I get to watching it.
Also picked up:

Anime Received:

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