Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Making myself crazy.

There's a movie in my head and I can't figure out what it is.

How'd I get here? Well, my manager was showing me how to change the blade on a scalpel we use to cut paper. It's a real scalpel, just not sterile. "I'm sure it'll be perfect, in case I need to perform an emergency tracheotomy on myself." I said jokingly. Chuckle. Hrmph. Yeah. Not all that funny. But the thought triggered the memory of a movie, the one currently causing me all sorts of frustration to figure out.

I see only one scene clearly. I can't focus on the faces or remember what happens next.

FLASH: For a moment, I thought I had it. Thought it was Demon Seed but that's not it.

Anyway, the scene goes like this:
Mother and child, son or daughter I can't be sure but feels like daughter, are happily chattering away over breakfast. Suddenly, the child is choking. Mother rushes to her side and doesn't know what to do. Mother scrambles to the phone and calls 911. She rushes back to her child's side. Panicked, she grabs a knife. The scene cuts and comes back to either the emergency crew or father coming through the door. In the middle of the kitchen, the mother is standing, hands out, knife in one hand. Hyperventilating, she's in shock with blood all over her apron.
End scene.

It's typical of one of those 70's horror flick beginnings that sets the tone for the rest of the film.

Using the words, emergency, tracheotomy, child, choking, mother, breakfast, horror and film, I'd found it once. Someone had written a review and brief synopsis but I think the site has since gone dead.
Anyone have any ideas?



The Haunting of Julia, also known as Full Circle starring Mia Farrow. I'd got it into my head that it was Sissy Spacek, but co-worker straightened me out. Here's an analysis of the movie.