Tuesday, December 13, 2005


That would describe a better part of my weekend.

Saturday, the BF and I headed to Queens for a belated birthday breakfast. I would like to call it brunch, but brunch isn't brunch without mimosas. "Lit" hadn't come into play as yet.

Later that night, there was N's holiday party. I'd gotten myself fairly well "lit." Making myself a drink, I'd filled the cup halfway with vodka before I'd realized it. "What the hell am I doing?" I exclaimed to my friend Joe, staring into the cup. I shrugged threw in some ice and filled the rest of the cup with cranberry juice. Couldn't let it go to waste. Having NOT been drinking much in the past few weeks, the drink went straight to my head. It was all good. Refreshing my drink twice, the night was all good. A good showing for N's party, he was pleased to have as many people as he had show up.

Sunday morning was not a fast moving morning. I'd gotten out of bed around noon and that would be a generous estimation. We'd originally intended to see "Brokeback" in the afternoon, but after the BF said let's do it another day, I surfed around for an hour and went back to bed.

Awaking again at 3 or 4, we ate. At the gentle prodding of the BF, I was intent on starting the lighting of our Christmas tree which I've dubbed "Murphy." While I'll enjoy the tree, after the fact, the actually act of doing it is time-consuming and tiresome. I procrastinated with the BF's help, watching "Sky High." The movie was good fun.

I didn't get to the tree till about 6PM, beginning my Sunday ordeal of "lit."

Historically, it's taken me 6+ hours to light the tree, wrapping, nearly every branch with light. "I could do at least half the tree tonight," I told myself, knowing full well that once I started, I had to finish, lest I'd never go back. Working on and off, the lighting of the tree took 7 hours, completing at 1AM. In the course of the evening, I watched "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" and a better portion of "Jaws" which I've never seen in its entirety, on SpikeTV. I'll post pictures as soon as the ornaments are up as well.

So at 1AM, insomnia set in. I sat up, stumped on Myst V: EOA. Finally going to bed, again at 4:00AM.

Sigh. Not exciting at all, but all the pieces are falling in place in preparation for this Saturday's festivities. It'll be a great time.

After which, on Dec. 23rd, I end my dance hibernation with Be Your'Elf with Danny Tenaglia.

Now what's left is, what to do for NYE?