Holiday Party 2005 Wrap-Up
Yeah, it's 2 days later and I'm finally getting to it. Sunday, I was a too tired to focus and write anything, Monday, work was very busy. So the wrap up comes today on the heels of a transit strike that has crippled New York City.
I managed to fumble my way into the city, with my brother's assistance. That's a whole other story.
Back to the party wrap up.
The days leading up to the party, the BF worked furiously making food/party preparations. He enlisted the help of our friend. I called them "buffers." If I had to submit to his orders for too long, he wouldn't be my BF anymore. Friday night, He finished the decorations about the apartment while hanging with a few of our closest friends, as a pot of gravy (that's tomato sauce for the uninitiated) simmered and cooked on the stove for the baked ziti.
Saturday, the BF was a tornado, running to pick up the vegetables in the morning, to the pork store for antipasta and the bakery for trays of butter cookies. In the afternoon, enlisting the help of some friend girls, he prepped all of the appetizer trays, made up the baked ziti and cooked it.
Me? I felt bad watching him tear around the kitchen, but it is HIS kitchen. He enjoys it to an extent. I'd be more of a hinderance since I don't cook and dodder in food preparation. Did I also mention that if I had to submit to his orders for too long, he'd wouldn't be my BF anymore? I was relegated to picking up the ice, four 40lbs bags and the sandwich, a two foot bagel wheel and other little errands.
Strike or no strike, the party was going full steam ahead. I'm thankful that the Transit Worker's Union did delay their strike till today as opposed to last Friday morning, the first and original deadline. That would've put a dampener on the party as I expected quite a few people via the transit system.
By 7:00PM, everything was ready and we waited for our guests. Usually, no one shows up till 8:00 but we were expecting early arrivals as some guests would be rushing off for flights the next day or to other parties in the night.

The first guests were my friends, H and his BF, N, whom i was meeting for the first time (HOT!).
Smack. Ouch. Hands off. OK!
Again, thanks TWU for not striking, they wouldn't have made it.
After them, the flood gates opened and a steady stream of people were coming in.
Many friends, old and new. I couldn't spend enough time with any of them.

…Like Robocub and his BF, E. Both hot as you can see.

…and Mike P. of Blather and Bosh.
This was their first time at my apartment and their first visit to the evilbuddha inner sanctum. I think they understand better, the madness that is me.

Neal was in town with C and they stopped in. It was good to see them, of course, I had to do a visual count of all my valuables after C left. No robots seemed to be missing.
Yeah, we were having a mini-blogger convention at my holiday party. SO COOL!!
So many people showed up and lots of them were surprises, as not everyone is good at RSVPing. It was all good.
There was some drama at the end of the night which put my head in a bad spin with someone my brother had brought. I could get into it, but I won't. Maybe later.
Yes, this will most likely be the party to end all parties, the tenth. It may find itself reincarnated, but on a much smaller scale.
Another one for the books as it were and an appropriate last chapter.
Thanks to everyone who made it special.
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