Be Your'Elf

For my only pre-holiday, dance festivities… this past Friday night, December 23rd, I hit up Danny Tenaglia at Spirit.
Guess who's coming to dinner?
It was the only worthwhile chance to shake booty before the holiday officially hit, IMHO. I was cutting it close. The night before Christmas Eve day was really, really close. Especially stressful since the BF had volunteered our home to host his family's Christmas Eve, a big Italian feast with lots of food, fish/shellfish etc. Yum.
Followed by gift exchanges etc., but I digress.
The impending feast, I had to impose a curfew/cutoff time on myself otherwise I'd never be well rested for the festivities and dealing with the BF's family.
Sleep deprived.
Whether it was anxiousness or whatever, per usual, I couldn't sleep before going out. I went down for a disco nap at 6PM only to wake up at 8PM, three hours ahead of schedule. I laid around in bed for an hour before giving up, killing time on the computer, waiting. 11:30PM, readied myself and headed out for an estimated ETA of 12:30-1AM.
The transit strike was resolved but I chose to take AutoLove for convenience. It was a breeze and a joy to drive, compared to the last 3 days and nights.
Side mission: According to online tracking records, my t-shirts from Panic had, unbeknownst to me, arrived Thursday morning. I really wanted to wear one of them out tonight, so I had to stop by the office. Lo and behold, they were in the mail box. YIPPEE! Quick change, I was on the road again. Here is the shirt I wore, now one of my favorite new shirts:

The other shirt, I'm saving for MLK weekend when I go out with Robocub. He'll get a kick out of it too. Let's see if he can guess which one it is.
Arriving at Spirit, 12:30-1ish, I had beat the bulk of the crowd, breezing right in. The club was fairly packed, but not overly so. Manny Freytes was opening for Danny tonight and doing a good job, whipping the crowd up.
Titty Smash
The crowd was your typical straight crowd, lots of primped and preened people, more the boys than the girls. Straight club girls are rough. They are pushy and don't say "Excuse me." As I was moving along the crowd, I felt someone shove up on my arm. Instinctively, I pushed back with my elbow. A girl no more than 5' spun around my arm, grabbed her breast where my elbow had been previously and looked at me incredulously. You know the look, mouth agape as if she were about to go down on her new boy trick, gazing upward. I tried not to laugh as I said, "Excuse me." Next time, don't use your boobs as bumper guards if you don't expect them to be rammed.
The 'boys", I'm afraid, were not in great attendance. We were very few and far between. The only thing stepping to me were poorly dressed Asian men, who kept their arms folded for a better part of the night. WTF is up with that?
Danny Takes Over
He'd scheduled to take over at 2:00AM, so I'm guessing it was about that time if not later that he did. He greeted everyone over the mic and thanked Manny, jumping right in with some thumping beats.
I can't remember much of them, but I do feel he teased "The Baguio Track" by Luzon all night, I think he eventually dropped it. He played some classic tracks like:
"So Strong" - Ben Shaw with Adele Holeness (Sander Kleinenberg Mix)
"Looking for Love" - Karen Ramirez (Murk mix)
"Sound of Goodbye" - Perpetuous Dreamer (Robbie Rivera remix) - This was a blast to hear.
Can't recognize anymore but the night was banging!
Friend Frank Arrives.
He'd originally said he'd come by 3AM. He showed up around 6AM. Whatever… I've learned not to hold him to his word. By that time, I was on a downward slide. I was tired and my energy was waning. No amount of Redbulls was going to perk me up. I was also getting bored, as I was still not connecting with the music as I used to. I'm slowly falling out of the loop. Such as it is.
9:00AM. It was good enough for me and I was exhausted. It was a speedy drive home, into some blazing sunlight. Ouch.
Good enough for me.
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