When Apple announced their 15“ MacBook Pros with the much-ballyhooed Intel Core Duo processors, I was reticent. It was the next big step for Apple Macintosh. Exciting but all the pieces were not in place IMO, at least not for me to run out and get one. There wasn’t an assured way of running Windows XP (rumored at the time) and the new hardware was supported by lackluster components (ie. single layer SuperDrive).
At that moment, the Intel chip was only in available iMac and 15” notebook flavor. I’m not a size queen, 15“ is fine but when you’ve grown accustomed to 17”, you don’t want to go back.
Get your minds out of the gutter.
Not to mention, being the first iteration of the MacBook Pros, it was plagued by anomalous problems, processor whine, overheating etc. You probably know all of this, so what is it I’m getting at?
April 24, 2006, Apple finally announced the notebook for me, the MacBook Pro 17.

Sweet, sweet specs.
Apple introduced BootCamp, making WinXP on a Macintosh, a sanctioned, albeit use at your own risk, reality.
Yes, all things aligned yet I hemmed and hawed for a week, before placing my order the 1st of May with MacMall. While a registered reseller for Apple products, MacMall didn’t have a great supply of MBP17s when they finally shipped. I personally believe Apple shorted them. MacMall ships WITHOUT charging taxes in most states and also offers a $150 rebate on the base model. Can’t have a reseller taking all the business you know.
Waiting three LONG weeks, I nearly cancelled my order. I’d had an AppleCare agreement and an additional GB of RAM with no machine to go with, for that long. In that time, Apple also announced the MacBook, readily in stock. I admired one of them, the black one, at the Apple Store last Wednesday and nearly got one. Whew. Thank goodness I didn’t. Arriving back at the office, I did my now customary backorder check with MacMall, to discover that the order was in process for shipping.
Last week, I finally got it.
So glad I didn’t cancel.
Giving the new boy a shakedown, migrated my user and applications, dealing with the repercussions (with assistance from MacBoyX) and installed Win XP Professional via Boot Camp. The system is solid, but I have to admit, I’m continually caught with an uneasiness about it, as if I’ve missed something. It’s Windows XP that has me neurotic.
I’ll keep everyone apprised of my progress or descent into madness.
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