Crobar No More.
Say hello to Studio Mezmor.
Hey, I rhymed.
Saturday night was opening night. With DJ Vibe (10PM-6AM) and Evolve with Victor Calderone (6AM-?) inaugurating the event, I couldn't resist.
Unfortunately, my ticket was only valid after 4:00AM. I misunderstood that technically DJ Vibe was hosting his own evening and NOT opening for Victor. So if I wanted to hear DJ Vibe, I'd have to buy the ticket for DJ Vibe and I could stay for Victor. However If I wanted to hear Victor but decided that I'd show up early for Vibe, that wasn't possible. Oh and the tickets are the same price. WTF!?!?
The best I could hope for, was to catch a portion of The Magician's set.
At past 4:15AM, I walked up and took my place in the queue.
The marquee emblazoned with a bright red neon sign was the only noticeable exterior change. The usual cast of characters worked the waiting crowd. The NYPD, with their visible presence and gagillion watt spotlights, kept a vigilant watch up and down West 28th Street
The line was long. While the night was not nearly as cold as it had been, it was cold enough. Some people waited momentarily only to walk off the line. Other's stood, moving to and fro, keeping warm, rubbing their exposed, bright red ears. I smiled inwardly. I'd brought my 180 ear warmers and gloves. I've done this long enough to be prepared.
The wait felt longer as the knucklehead behind me, incessantly complained about how long the line was and "it was never like this before." He droned in "duh" voice tone. He'd mix it up and then complain about how cold it was and his feet felt like rocks. Stop. Reset. Repeat. Repetitive and unnecessary conversation is anathema to me. Might as well take a ball-peen hammer to the side of my head.
Regrettably, after the entrance line and the coat check debacle, I missed DJ Vibe.
Undeterred, determined not to let things get to me, I moved down to the main level and looked forward to dancing.
The crowd was in great spirits, having been properly whipped into a frenzy by DJ Vibe I imagine, moving and grooving to the music. Victor was on the decks, playing his usual mélange of tribal, progressive, tech house. The music was much harder and aggressive than his NYE performance.
I recognized a few tracks. They're in rotation with the New York DJs.
This could've been one of the tracks, certainly fits the tone.
Control (Armand Peña Mix) - Ralph Falcon and Charlie Solana
Can't trainspot any of the tracks, since I didn't really focus or stay in one place for very long. "Flying" without a wingman, I was fairly flighty the whole night, wandering from one part of the club to another. The excessive crowding also made it hard.
Walking around, I saw most of the renovations done for Studio Mezmor All the VIP booths on the second level have been redone with new decor and high back seating. The Bamboo room no longer has bamboo, making it more spacious and new seats. Thankfully, they've opened a new path next to the downstair's men's room to the main floor, eliminating the need to go through the curved tunnel passage.
Plenty of eye candy, whatever your predilection. The "boys" weren't out en masse (yet) at 6AM. The regular club crowd was still largely in attendance the entire night. I didn't see a large turnover to a gay crowd this time around.
In the late morning, I found some friends and danced with them on the dance floor. But as it happens, I'm minding my own business, dancing about and someone has to dance up all in my grill. I wasn't in the mood at the time and danced off to the side.
Friend Frank was SUPPOSED to meet up with me there. He did. Eventually I caught up with him around 11:15AM. He and our friend, G had arrived at 10:30AM. They were nearly refused admission but they talked their way in, informed that the club/party would be shutting down at 12.
I left at 11:30 and broke for home.
The party DID shut down at noon. Frank and friend spent the next hour or so retrieving their coats from coat check.
Labels: Dance Music, Gay NYC, NY Dance
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