Wednesday, February 16, 2005

This post brought to you by...

…the no. 4.

Happy Hump-Day.
I'm caught in a mid-day malaise. I'm bored. I've got a few blogs cooking about Nintendo DS, the upcoming Sony PSP and my Apple fanaticism... but I'm not finished on them. Work is slow, with not much going on. Catching up on my blogs, here's a nice review of Constantine.

In other news, in a show of solidarity with my manager, I'm cutting my caffeine intake. So instead of Diet Coke, I'm having Caffeine-Free Diet Coke. Dammit... where's the buzz, man?

I notice the sky has turned dark and foreboding. Rain is coming and I'm without an umbrella. Great.

Here are a few rants:

Personal Hygiene is best left at home.
Twice today on the subway, I was dumbstruck to find someone clipping their nails. It is a foul thing to do. The "out of place" sound of the nails being clipped is odious to me. Personal hygiene doesn't happen when you find the time, you make the time... preferrably, not in my presence.

Excuse me while I fire this shotgun next to your head.
Attention male members of 23rd Street NYHRC: I find it wholly unnecessary to slam locker doors next to my head or anywhere for that matter. If you're trying to impress someone, pounding of the chest would be more effective. Please refrain and save my ear drums. Thanks in advance.

Besides that, I'm in a good mood.
All's well.
I'm going to Alegria again. Anyone else going?