Alegria MLK 2006

A timely post for a change.
Having managed to rest and refuel some, I can definitely say I'm basking in the afterglow of a fantastic night of dancing. In the company of Robocub & Eddie, Mike & Andre, Brad of Oh Really, friend Hugh, and a couple thousand homos, I celebrated MLK's birthday with Alegria at Crobar. We (the previous named group, not thousands of homos), met up at Robocub/Eddie's before heading to Crobar about 1:00AM.
When we arrived, the main floor was a heaving mass of bodies. Typical circuit party. Still, I can't understand why you have people with flailing elbows and the assumption that it's okay to rub their sweaty, stubbly back on you. Eeeww. It was too early and I wasn't in the right head for that yet. The gang and I rose above it, into the VIP area. They kindly snuck me in. Robocub smooth-talked the velvet rope guy. Strange conversation, guy said he wasn't a crackhead. Ok. Anyhow, I was crashing but I didn't complain. Robocub, Eddie and Hugh were generous in getting me water/drinks. There was room to move too.
Oh. Friend Frank. He said he showed up around 5:00AM. However, I did not run into him till about 8 or 9AM. Shrug. He was on the main floor, I was in VIP. Remember? Free drinks, room to move. I felt guilty but… no complaints.
What am i missing? Oh yes, the music. Ralphi Rosario and Abel were both manning the decks for this edition of Alegria. The music was tribal, thumpy music. There were moments of intense, insane energy (a hard driving bassline gets me everytime) and of ho-hum repetitive beats (pots and pans, a kettle and a crock). There was a drum performance on these huge drums on stage. Very cool. Overall… a good sound and lots of fun to dance to.
By late morning… the sound dipped in and out of relentless and twirly. I was running on fumes by then, lack of proper sleep and exhausted energy reserves. I reluctantly called it a day at 10:00AM.
I had a great time. It certainly helps with good company. Hope to do it again and soon. :)
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