Saturday, July 09, 2005

Gotcha NBF, well sort of.

I'd spotted the NBF, the Ninja Bird Feeder. This cock knocker has been surreptitiously feeding the rats with wings on my block and today, I caught a glimpse of him, or was it her? It's still unclear.

I'd returned home from the city. The sky was ready to open up and dump rain. I turned the corner of my block. Before me, the driver of what I believe to be a black Nissan Maxima, reached across the passenger and through the window, dumped a full canister of bird feed onto the ground. "Fuck." I barked, as the car peeled away. I was completely dumbfounded for a second as the rain was starting to come down heavily.

This explained why I'd never been able to catch this person and the pattern of dispersal. I'd always assumed he/she walked up and spread the seeds.

I didn't get a clear view of the person, but a glimpse of short blondish hair. Could have been a man, or a man-ish woman, but I'll wager it's a woman.

This person knows full well what they're doing is wrong. The dumping and speeding off, what gives?

Anyway, I won't go attacking all the black Nissan Maximas I see. I'll confirm first and when I do, I'll prepare a nice sticker, in the vein of the Parking Violations sticker, for my dear NBF.