I've… err… been sorta… busy.
I haven't been blogging regularly and it's negligent of me. I've had plenty happening but nothing fantastically blog-worthy, IMO. But then, it's MY blog and I shouldn't have to justify blogging about anything. Guess its a bit of blog-malaise, borderline blog depression, a blog-life crisis. Well, sort of. I've really of the mind to see this blog for a long time. I'm tough minded. Once I set my mind to correct something, it'll happen. Bear with me. So I'm not "retiring" anytime soon, barring anything unforeseen like a taxicab making an illegal left turn into my person, leaving my maimed body in the street only capable of making guttural sounds before I check out.
Work is work. It'll always suck when it interferes with life in general. Life≠work. This much I've learned.
I haven't been dancing much in the past month, aside from last week's Fire Island Pines Party, which I've concluded was an abysmal experience. It won't discourage me from dancing, but it'll make me think twice about going to parties that I'd classify as "BIG & GAY," especially since I knew that there was a bad DJ. I'll listen to my instincts from now on. Dancing/Partying does have it's emotional peaks and valleys with me. I'm in one of those valleys, so much so that I passed on dancing with Robocub last night at the Roxy. (Sorry babe, I'll make it up to you.) Next weekend, I'm hoping that Danny Tenaglia at Crobar, on the eve of my birthday, will reinvigorate my dancing spirit. Here's hoping, it's not a zoo like last time.
Usually in these life lulls, I turn to those things which have given me pleasure in the past, video games. Sure, I've continually played, but of late, it has always been half-hearted. However, I've been completely engrossed with Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker on the GameCube.

I'd never been a Zelda fan before this. I'd picked it up a few weeks ago and I'm a little late to finding it, but it totally rocks. 2-3 hours a day for the last few weeks, it has been well worth the $20 value price I paid. Lots of fun and completely satisfying gaming adventure.
Distracted is a better word than busy. This emotional fog will left and I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and blogging like mad. As soon as I finished Zelda of course. :)
Thanks for sticking with me.
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