Nostalgia re-packaged.

(insert electronic music here)
"Are you guys playing Galaga?" chimed T.
Co-worker E dropped some hard earned cash on the Namco Museum Battle Collection. It has classics like Galaga, Dig Dug, the obligatory Pac-Man and many more, like personal favorite, Rolling Thunder. All of which were adapted for the PSP and neatly contained on a UMD (see Review here.) If you're a child of the 70's and/or 80's and spent any time (or lots of time) in an arcade, more than likely, any of the theme music from these games, distinct and tinny sounding, would be instantly recognizable.
The translations are flawless, perfect snapshots of gaming past when games were games, challenging you to get higher and higher scores. Nowadays, games are all too different, less game-like and more interactive adventure. Sure, Rolling Thunder was a side-scrolling adventure, but you scored for every baddie you killed. Scoring is rare in new console games and a bit obtuse (see Silent Hill 2 for PS2, deductions for running?!?). But I'm hard-pressed to justify dropping $40 on the collection for nostalgia alone. Especially when you've got emulators that run the original game ROMS, most without a hitch. ROMS are hard to come by and still copyrighted software (see illegal to own), but it's a hoot playing Time Pilot on my Mac. Guess the allure with the Namco Museum Battle Collection is you can take it with you and be a kid again on your commute. Wish they'd credit me for all the quarters I'd already pumped into these games.
UPDATE: damn Galaga won't work on my MacMAME. Grrr. Puts on IT hat. Toils. grumble grumble
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