Friday 6:45PM – Leave Work. Start Long weekend.With the prospect of a three-day weekend, I get fairly excited. There are plenty of things happening in the city and I’d have an extra day for relaxation or recovery. This weekend ended up being a mixed bag.
Saturday, the only thing of note was I went to see “The Gates.” The evening was considerably quieter than expected. A & F were going to come over for a movie, but they’re arguing again and not speaking. F is a child and he’s wrong. Finally got down to watching
The Bourne Supremacy. Surprisingly pleased with the movie, a good tense, spy, action thriller. And Matt Damon is hot. Afterwards, I probably stayed up later than necessary, doing nothing on my computer. I did get a decent amount of sleep. Rare.
Sunday was a lazy day in Pleasantville, just above Westchester. Visiting former roommate, Alicia and her child, Andrew, time was spent catching up, eating and entertaining aforementioned child.
Highlight: playing
Scene-It? and winning. HA. My useless knowledge of movie trivia pays off!!!
Arriving home at 8:00PM, I headed off to bed for a disco nap, as I was going out to Alegria. The snow had just started to fall. I’d awoken early, showered and prepared for a long evening. I’d spoken to Frank, my dance partner in crime. He was coming to pick me up at 1:00. He called at 1:15.
I don’t have windshield fluid. I can’t see. I had to stop to clear the window.”
“So, go to a gas station and get some.”
Well... it’s really bad out here.”
“What are you telling me?”
I don’t want to drive.”
“Fine. That’s all you had to say. I’ll see you there.”
Not the exact conversation… but the gist of it.
So, off I headed to the subway. The snow had left a blanket over the streets. Arriving on the platform, I waited and made an observation. At my parent’s house in Brooklyn, on a clear summer night, you could hear the “bing-bong” of the subway doors closing on the elevated tracks, a block away. That night while standing on the platform, in the utter quiet, I heard the snow carrying the sound of the elevated trains, four long blocks away. Once I realized what it was, I was thoroughly fascinated. I stood for the next few minutes, listening for my train before I could see it. I heard it coming before it’s lights peaked over the horizon.
Simple pleasures.
iPod a rocking.One ear open and alert.Uneventful ride.Frank and I arrived at Crobar at the same time and entered together. The club was very, very full. I’d never doubt the resilience of the city fag to make it to a party. Myself included. What’s the postman’s creed? “
Neither rain nor snow nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from their swift completion of their appointed rounds. This is the postman’s creed.” Change the appropriate parts, you get my drift.
Ran into two very old friends there,
E & P. It was good to see them. They remarked how good I look and how I always did. I'm a sucker for flattery, a Leo’s ego does like to be stroked.
P had wanted to exchange info since we’d lost touch for some time… but once I broke from them, I never found them again. C’est le vie. I’m sure I’ll see them again.
The groove, the vibe was definitely better than the last. Musically, it was the same as the last with lots of high-energy beats, better mixing but no journey. “
Where am I going?” is what I was asking myself.
While I had fun, I wasn’t in a lovey-dovey mood. I spent much of the time dancing on my own, as opposed to moving into the massive, heaving mess of bodies on the dance floor. I quickly got tired of the “dance floor stalkers."
I get it. You like me. Don’t hover waiting for me to engage you because after the first five minutes of you staring, you’re freaking me out!!! If I’ve moved to a new position and I find you staring again, you’re lucky I don’t dropkick you.I shouldn’t expect much, especially social skills, from drug-addled minds.
I should take a break from the big gay dance parties. They’ve become aimless. Although, the
Black Party is coming up on March 19 with DJs Chus & Ceballos and
Victor Calderone. Totally want to hear C&C play, Victor can throw it down too. Randy Bettis will be doing the morning “Happy La La” portion of the Rites. (I don’t care for Happy La La. Give me deep, dark, heavy beats.) Frank wants to go and wants us to get leather pants. Hmm… I’m positive I’ll look good in leather… but it’s a tad late to have pants made now.
A break wouldn't preclude me from
Danny Tenaglia’s Birthday Party at
Crobar on Saturday, March 12 either. I need a journey. Danny rarely disappoints.
I’d also love to shake it with
RoboCub sometime soon. Hmmm. A break doesn't seem likely. Shrug. Poor me. Heh, it's going to be a busy March. Onwards.
Back to Monday, arriving home at 9:30am…. I immediately and blissfully crashed. I awoke to eat and put in
Garden State.

While having little to do with my home state (Morristown, NJ represent yo!) besides the locale, I was pleased and satisfied. It is a quiet, moving movie with great character development. The soundtrack is awesome as well. Go get it.
Monday 9:30 PM - Sleep. End Long Weekend.