What in the…?

(Click on the image to enlarge.)
Amazon needs to seriously consider, firing the person who wrote the recommendation code.
My meanderings made less trivial because I blogged about it.
Dear evilBuddha,
Friday was a hectic day. I had a Halloween house party to attend that night and I was heading out for Danny's Halloween Party at Spirit, afterwards. Work threatened to run well into the evening, and I found myself explaining to my manager, why I wanted out early. The truth that I wanted to rush home to sneak in a disco nap before all of the festivities, didn't seem like an adequate enough explanation. I left it at the fact that I had parties to attend. Fortunately, I was able to "hand off" the work to co-worker E and get home for at least a little rest, if you could call it that. I was wide awake after, at best, a half hour of sleep. I'd heard the doorbell through the fog of dreams and that was the end of that. It was useless trying to fall asleep again. I got up, got ready, and headed out.
Although your feelings are running deep these days, the conflicts that you feel are eased now as Mercury the Communicator enters your 5th House of Fun and Games. You are more inclined today to be optimistic, even if life has been rather serious. Don't fight against this upward swing. Enjoy yourself while you can.
While a 3rd world country and my wise and righteous, yet wizened ancestors have objected, the magical process of taking plastic (see credit cards) and converting it into robots and video games, continues. It's become more of a syphon but luckily, I think the flow will be stemmed as some of the new games rate high on the suck scale and there just aren't any other robots to buy.
She shoved her way next to me on the train. Her pocketbook now occupied the same space as my ribs as she flipped open her paper, reading.
A story for my brother and maybe my other brother's fiance because they both might be idiots.
I wish I could report that I had a raucous and crazy weekend, alas, no. That would be a lie. Last week was a full week of work and coming into the weekend, I was looking forward to some quiet time. To start, the BF had headed out to meet some friends for long overdue drinks on Friday night, leaving me to my own devices. I picked up some take out and curled up at my computer to play Myst V: End of Ages. After some missteps on the G5 (see imexplicable crashes), I installed it on to the PC, playable and stable albeit slower video than the G5. I'd played it throughout the weekend. Myst V is a gorgeous game but it has turned me into a smoldering pile of frustration. Puzzles in logic (at least I hope they all are) that stretch the mind, but take time and patience to decipher. I'll hit my stride soon.
I look up every minute or so, to make sure I haven't missed my stop. No? Good. Back to my PSP and Burnout Legends.
My last post was interpreted by one reader as being angry. I was going for "fed up" and sardonic. I can see how I've been misread. It's all really fuzzy.
You know the one. Frustrated with being put upon by people that are completely in their own world, smashing themselves, extremities and accouterments against me, I vocalize my discontent. "EXCUSE YOU!" I bark to the uncivilized barbarians. I've become ever prepared to sling a sarcastic and dripping "You're welcome," to any ingrate breezing through a door I've held open for them with nary an acknowledgment, as if I'M obligated to do so. No, this has never been my job asswipe. It takes all my will, not to allow the door to swing back with a little more push.
I wish I could sleep today away, but I'm at work. Yawning. Fighting to keep my brain oxygenated enough to earn my keep. My focus is next to nil and it's taking a fair amount of it to type.
The weather has done nothing to improve my mood. Dreary rain has been continuously falling since my return to New York. Nay, it's been coming down even before I'd left. I'm waterlogged, literally, spiritually and emotionally. Like a sponge, I can't hold anymore and it's time to wring it all out.
Flurry (Continued)
Last week, I'd passed on John Acquaviva's Back 2 Basics Electrohouse, purely based on the word "Electrohouse." Saturday, trolling around the Virgin recordstore (again), they happened to be playing the compilation aloud. The chunky electro beats hooked me. Some toe-tapping and body-jigging happened and I had to get a copy. Who knew?
I'd never been to the Eagle, ever, a minor oversight. I'd been down the block @ Crobar more times than I could count, but never ventured that extra one hundred plus feet (past Score *shudder*) to the Eagle.
There've been a few blogger's that have commented on this blog and/or have blogrolled me, some with my knowledge, some without (Thank you, Statcounter for the referring links.)