Genesic GaoGaiGar
Check out this bad boy toy, Genesic GaoGaiGar.
Arrived yesterday from BigBadToyStore.

More pics to follow if I deign to take it out of the box and assemble it even.
Read more about the anime, GaoGaiGar. How I love Wikipedia. :)
My meanderings made less trivial because I blogged about it.
Check out this bad boy toy, Genesic GaoGaiGar.
Pulling the shirt over my head in the locker room, my chest vibrated in protest. Soreness and stiffness momentarily taking me by surprise.
7:40 AM
"You're going to a bar???" asked the BF in disbelief. Generally, I don't like bars. Sure, I'll do them after work. I'm in the city already. Convenience helps. But to head in to the city for a bar outing is out of character for me and the BF knows it. He sent me on my way with a "Take a cab home if you're too drunk." Wasted words as I still hate cabs. I ended up eating crow somewhat. Having waited 20 minutes for a train that wasn't coming, I had to grab a cab cross town to make up for lost time.
Posted 1/21/2005
This is my second blog. My first, I let die a slow death. I'd started it... and left it to rot. I was uncertain about why I was even doing it. I had misgivings about putting my life's story into words and on to the internet for all to see. Kind of made me wiggy since my first few postings, I'd laid a lot of myself out here. So naturally, I tucked my tail between my legs... said "what the hell am I doing?' and hightailed it.
I'm beleaguering the point, aren't I?
Here I am again, to give it another go, thanks to some inspiration. I've been continually entertained and touched by the few blogs that I have read. They don't know I've been reading, but in the next few weeks, I promise to make contact with them, to make them awares. I'll invite them to read my blog and hopefully they can draw as much enjoyment and inspiration from mine, as I do theirs.
This morning, two piles of birdseed sat 20 feet from the gate. It struck me as peculiar. NBF was slipping if he/she dumped only two meager piles for the mongrel pigeons.
2006 is moving along at break neck speed. Still, a very young year, thus far, its been positive. Even better news, today I discovered its going to be my year. All dog people in the house give a big "WOOF." (Much respect to my Bear brethren I'm borrowing from.) The fact that it'll be the Chinese Year of the Dog made me very happy. I don't want to jinx it, so I'll leave it at that.
I've avoided posting about the omnipresent, crazy people on subways. Too easy, fodder is everywhere. However, I'm compelled as I had to deal with one this evening.
Also known as, "The Search for Cute Gay NYC."
I've left my reader(s) with only my "Office Politics" too long, a depressing post to say the least. In retrospect, not so depressing. I'll explain in a better, more thought out post.
…makes me ill.
…is for everyone to appreciate what they appreciate and acknowledge what they know.
Seriously, I don't. It's the nose. I can't get past it. It's distracting. Am I being shallow? Perhaps his goofy, laidback personality endears him to people, they can see past the nose. His drippy, puppy dog face, makes my eyes roll.
NYE, BF got wasted. I drove home.
To start, let me say "Happy New Year."