Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hope and promise in a sea of black.

I'd spent much of the weekend, drinking and eating in celebration of the BF's birthday. The BF, himself, had taken an extended weekend from work to relax and enjoy himself. While he'd lined up a few things to do for himself on Saturday, Yankee game, hitting the bars, I had my brother's engagement, beach barbeque to attend. The rest of the time, I'd made sure to give the BF my undivided attention, forgoing dance parties and passing on the opportunity to meet up with Diego. (DRAT! More notice please.)

Aside from Saturday evening, where the BF took us to straight bar in Brooklyn, a few of his friends were "guest bartending," it was a quiet weekend with friends and family.

All of that was lost yesterday when he'd accompanied his father for a PET scan and the results weren't good. Sigh. Again, I'm left with empty words of encouragement. His father is tired from the operation and the previous round of chemo. It has taken a man, filled with vitality and verve, and whittled him down. If anyone has any advice on how to improve his strength and energy, I'd be eager to hear it. He doesn't want to do the chemo and I don't blame him, but his doctor's are urging him to do it. If we could make healthy again, perhaps he'd be of stronger mind to face it.

M, if you recall back in July I'd taken out dancing for her 40th birthday. She went into the hospital yesterday to have fibroids removed. As I understand, it is a fairly common surgery for women.

She'd gone in, in the morning and was in her own room when I saw her, surrounded by her GF and family members. I brought flowers and gave her a foot massage.

The procedure went well and the removed mass tested benign. This is great news and sets in motion a series of events which will, hopefully and ultimately lead to M getting pregnant in January… with me. No, I won't be sticking anything anywhere. I'll be putting my part into a cup. Its a big step. I'm essentially a child trapped a man's body, but I'm ready. It may be the something that has been missing from my life. I've still much to accomplish in my lifetime but I can start a legacy. I'm looking forward to meeting a mini-me, boy or girl. No expectations here. Of course, I'm hoping for a boy. As M puts it, if the baby is a girl, I'd be a big mush. I know me, I would be, although, my mother would be T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D. Regardless, the child will want for nothing as far as I'm concerned. M chose me because she knows I'd be loving, want to be a part of the child's life and be a father to him/her, which is important to M. Also because, I'm a handsome looker. Well, at least M says so. Let's hope I haven't left my best swimmers splattered somewhere.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Nostalgia re-packaged.

(insert electronic music here)

"Are you guys playing Galaga?" chimed T.

Co-worker E dropped some hard earned cash on the Namco Museum Battle Collection. It has classics like Galaga, Dig Dug, the obligatory Pac-Man and many more, like personal favorite, Rolling Thunder. All of which were adapted for the PSP and neatly contained on a UMD (see Review here.) If you're a child of the 70's and/or 80's and spent any time (or lots of time) in an arcade, more than likely, any of the theme music from these games, distinct and tinny sounding, would be instantly recognizable.

The translations are flawless, perfect snapshots of gaming past when games were games, challenging you to get higher and higher scores. Nowadays, games are all too different, less game-like and more interactive adventure. Sure, Rolling Thunder was a side-scrolling adventure, but you scored for every baddie you killed. Scoring is rare in new console games and a bit obtuse (see Silent Hill 2 for PS2, deductions for running?!?). But I'm hard-pressed to justify dropping $40 on the collection for nostalgia alone. Especially when you've got emulators that run the original game ROMS, most without a hitch. ROMS are hard to come by and still copyrighted software (see illegal to own), but it's a hoot playing Time Pilot on my Mac. Guess the allure with the Namco Museum Battle Collection is you can take it with you and be a kid again on your commute. Wish they'd credit me for all the quarters I'd already pumped into these games.

UPDATE: damn Galaga won't work on my MacMAME. Grrr. Puts on IT hat. Toils. grumble grumble

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The Sony PSP Update 2.0 is available now. PSP OWNERS, go get it.

UPDATE: gardner-san is a wise-ass.

Carry on.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Last bout of frivolity - Dark Phoenix

Friend and former co-worker B picked it up for me at a con (Thanks B!!). Me loves me some Dark Phoenix. She's a Heroclix collectible figure, game piece. The mold rocks. More pictures to follow.

Yeah, Completely geeky and now I'm going to set-up a game night after Labor Day. Yippee.

Financially Sobering


This is the first year I've been freelancing in a while. I'm earning approximately the same pay as when I was full-time with a company, but without the benefit of the necessary taxes being taken out for me. Essentially self-employed, I'm responsible for myself. I get paid in net amounts but it's certainly not gross. This I know, so I'm not spending willy-nilly and saving cash for the tax man.

I've exchanged some emails with my accountant and it has put my head in a spin. Apparently, I'm not saving enough. Ouch. The wind has been knocked out of my sails. The belt tightening begins today. It'll be a temporary situation but I have to see myself through 2005 free of tax-debt which in the long run will probably help my overall debt. No more accumulated debt, which means, credit purchases need to stop and only on as needed basis. Down to the bare necessities. Sure, there may be a robot here and there, but it'll be down to the must-haves, none of the frivolous impulse purchases.

Wow. THAT'S COOL. I didn't know it was out!
Moth flies from wallet. Tax man taps me on shoulder.

I've got tons of anime to watch. Sure, some of the series are ongoing, but I've got to realize that most stores still treat them as a niche market and only price them one way, unlike new domestic movie releases which enjoy a low initial release price. In other words, they'll still be on the shelf and at the same price after release, no real benefit in rushing out to get them aside from the instant gratification.

Video games? No purchases. Period. I've got loads of games that need playing. This alone should occupy my time for the next 4 months. Seriously.

Books? I've got a few books in the queue and getting in to audiobooks for the first time. Currently listening to the "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" read by Michael York and I'm enjoying it. I've also got "The Traveller" by John Twelve Hanks and "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. The latter is a little ambitious since, colllectively, "Atlas Shrugged" is in seven parts and in total audio time, nearly two days. TWO DAYS. Well... that'll teach me to spend money for sure.

One of my primary efforts in saving cash has always been to focus on myself and getting to the gym for my lunch hour. It can be an opportunity to shop around and waste boatloads of cash. So instead of sliding plastic or dumping green, I'll be pumping iron. Who knows, maybe I can parlay my body into a money-making opportunity. An amusing thought, but I don't think I have what it takes to be either a go-go dancer or prostitute.


Saturday, August 20, 2005

One Man Star Wars Trilogy

As one of my birthday gifts (the others were underwear which I love, adore and always appreciate, thank you very much), the BF took me to see "One Man Star Wars Trilogy," Tuesday evening.


One man, Charles Ross, acts out (in highly-abridged form) the three ORIGINAL Star Wars movies, back-to-back, in less than hour. He does all the characters, by himself, without the help of props and scenery. Just him in a dark jumpsuit and a stage with lighting effects. It was extremely funny.

Of course, it helps that you have seen the ORIGINAL Star Wars movies to really appreciate it. If not, then… um… you'd be lost and an idiot for buying tickets.

By no means is this Cliff Notes for Star Wars. Much closer to MadLibs. It's a total geekfest. As he acted out the scenes, I envisioned them in my head and laughed at his rendition of them. He also added in his own commentary like "Why didn't Chewbacca get a medal?"

In the end, he had a little audience heart-to-heart, in which he encouraged everyone to follow their dreams, even if it meant acting out scenes from movies you love on stage. It was sweet.

His show runs until Oct. 31 at the Lamb Theatre.

Anyone with me to see "One Man Lord of the Rings"?

A moment to myself.

At last. It's been a few days since my last post. I'd been meaning to get something up on the blog in the in-between. Alas, my time has not been my own. I worked till 1:30AM on Wednesday evening. This led to a missed appointment with my physical therapist on Thursday morning. I'd thought myself unlucky for missing it and for my general funk of late. However, I admonished myself after realizing/remembering, I make my own luck. Calling myself "unlucky" was a way of feeling sorry for myself. I'd allowed the circumstances to exist which made my life, less than perfect. Once I assert control over my surroundings and take responsibility for my actions/inactions then I won't have to blame myself. A hearty ichat conversation with Robocub further solidified my thinking. Thanks Erik.

I have felt like I was falling from one day to the next, but we've finally arrived at the weekend. I've managed to put the brakes on and have a chance to breathe, and blog. Hopefully, I can catch up with the next few posts.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Birthday Weekend in Review (Part 2 of 2)

Sorry for two parting my birthday weekend wrap-up and my lack of timeliness in finishing it. Fatigue caught up with me and unless there's flashing lights, colors and some form of eye candy, exciting the pleasure centers of my brain, my focus will waiver and falter. Of course, I won't presume to hold your interest in what I did for my birthday two days later. Even I've lost interest. But I'll plow on.

Now, where was I?


August 14, 2005
The glorious Sun rules Leo, and today it is channeling the passion of Pluto, the lord of the dark realms. It's an interesting paradox: the brilliant light of the Sun and the terrifying shadows of Pluto. Use this temporary alignment to shine your awareness into the unknown, thereby transforming fear into power.

I'd awoken early, as usual, before going out. So I played Zelda. The BF arrived home from the block party to find me doing just that. He was a little whacked (see drunk) and headed off to bed.

I have to admit, for the past two weeks, I'd been apprehensive about this weekend. It was mostly inexplicable. You'd think by now, I'd have learned to live in the moment and let things be. In part, I dreaded the passing of this weekend. Sunday was my 35th birthday. Not a landmark birthday, but still, a time where I felt like I should take stock in my life. All this heavy thinking, had me in a spin and in a dour mood. I was looking to Danny Tenaglia to lift my spirits. Perhaps, I wished to hard and expected something else.

After the last run into the city with AutoLove, I was reluctant to take her. So I didn't. The trains were okay. The stations were hot as hell and I was getting titty sweat at West 4th. Not cute. The walk from the final destination subway station to the club was a good chance to dry off.

I'd arrived 1:30AM at the club. The line was ridiculous. I asked a girl with a clipboard if there was a separate line for pre-pay. She'd said no. I waited for an hour+, enduring stupid women trying to sneak their way up on the line to the street meat vendor who was searing his meat to great effect and smoke, drowning the crowd in it. I did my best to dodge the wafting smoke so as to not smell like barbeque before entering the club. At one point the cops arrived and that's never a good indicator. But they did rush to ask people on the line if they had pre-paid, to which I immediately raised my hand. This perhaps saved me another half hour of waiting. Although it was upsetting to learn that they may have had a separate line for pre-pay all along to which I say to the girl with the clipboard, who answered my question incorrectly, "YOU'RE AN ASS!!!"

grumble. grumble.

This was starting the night on the wrong foot and it turns out, I'd be out of step the entire night.

Musical Disconnect
Inside, Danny was tearing it up. He was playing a big house sound, with melodic flow and lots of hard beats. Immediately ran into a few people I knew, so it was nice to have some familiar faces in a see of unknowns. It was packed and Africa hot in Crobar. The crowd wasn't nearly as bad as last time, but it was irrevocably straight. It didn't bother me in so much as it wasn't gay at all. I did have a dance stalker though. I've seen him at all the Danny parties: short, cute and muscular. But I'd never seen him at the gay parties, leading me to believe he's a closet case. He recognized me as he was dancing close to me, very close, too close. All the while, not saying a word to me, staring intensely, waiting for me to make the first move, which I'm loathe to do. I thought it was too aggressive his approach and paid him no mind. Still he danced close by, occasionally walking past so that I would feel the stubble of his chest. OUCH! Not cute. To the curb with you.

Friend Frank with his friend G showed up later. In around that time, Danny was going into a heavy tech set, that was when he'd lost me. Don't get me wrong, it was a great set, but I wasn't feeling it. Lots of beats, but it wasn't going anywhere. I wanted to dance groovy and smooth, but got lots of pots and pans. Sigh. Guess we can't always be on the same page. I think it was also because I enjoyed him so much the last two times at Spirit, I came into the evening expecting more of the same and disappointed myself when he didn't bring the same sound. I know it was completely me, because I could see everyone else enjoying the music.

Around 8:30AM, I gave up trying. I was tired. At that point, Danny threw on a great track but my mind was already set on leaving and I did.

The rest of the day was spent resting, sex, Zelda, dinner, dessert and sleep.

Not a bad birthday. I had too many expectations but now I know better. Still, I continue to write the tale.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Birthday Weekend in Review (Part 1 of 2)

Its been a long, activity filled weekend, culminating on my 35th birthday, Sunday, August 14th.

Coming in to the weekend, I'd had a chance to catch up with friend O and his friend P for drinks at elmo. After P left, we befriended a woman, or rather, after eavesdropping on our conversation, she befriended us by saying "Happy Birthday" to O and I. O's birthday is 12 days after mine. She was waiting for her set-up date to show up. We chatted and she asked, "How long have you been together?" which we both replied, "No, we're not. We've just been friends for, oh, 12 years and we have separate boyfriends." She protested, saying we work so well together. When her friend's arrived, she asked that we send her an email when we are together. Leave it to a straight woman to encourage the break-up of two gay relationships.

Drinks was followed by dinner with Friend Frank and his friend M at the cuban restaurant in Chelsea. I was pretty loose-y goose-y from three margaritas so I was chatting up a storm and being rambunctious and sarcastic with Frank. In my inebriated state, I was getting back at him for all the nonsense he's put me through in the past. Frank wasn't pleased but he laughed, a little.

Nothing. I did nothing but run home and play Zelda, such bliss.

The BF's brother's block in Staten Island was having a party. Yes, a good ole NYC block party. Big fair for NY suburbia especially if you live in Brooklyn or Staten Island and especially if you're Italian.

The BF ran out early to help out and left me to my own devices for the morning. I played more Zelda and headed out around 1:00.

The block party was fine. Plenty of food. I kept it light as I was heading out that night. Activities comprised of dipping in the pool. Walking out to the front and check out what's happening on the block. Watch some cute teenage/young adult boys preen around, showing off their developing physiques. Eat. Sit. Walk to the back. Dip in the pool. Walk out to the front again. Eat some more.

By 6, I'd had enough food and was ready to leave. The BF said I couldn't, not just yet. I complied and invariably braced for the inescapable, birthday cake with "Happy Birthday", sung, not quite in unison by many people and off-key. It was a sweet gesture after which I ran home for my disco nap in preparation for the night ahead.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

A trying morning.

Things haven't been going my way. To start, I nearly cut my face off. Well, not in the HellRaiser, rip your skin off with meat hooks kind of way.

Pinhead: We'll tear your soul apart.
Me: eeep.

I awoke a little late. Looking in the mirror, I appeared scruffy above the lip. A shave was in order. Blade's dull, let's start with a fresh one. Lather up. First stroke. What the…? Oh. It's skin. I quickly shaved as the blood start to flow. I'd applied pressure for 15-20 minutes before the bleeding slowed. Some peroxide gave a nice sting while cleaning the wound, along with the razor burn. Ouch and ouch.

I would seriously consider never shaving again. However, I'd never be able to grow a full beard and join the bear culture. Just end up looking like Pai Mei.

You round eyes smell of meat!!

The morning continued to conspire against me as the trains were a terrible ordeal. My connecting D train didn't show up for 15-20 minutes as I stood, sweating, on an underground platform in Brooklyn. In hindsight, should have stayed on the N. The next N was packed. I took an R local. It was slow, but it was cool and empty. I watched the D fly by on the express track. DAMN! For second, I thought to change back for the D down at the next connecting station, but as we pulled in, there was a passed out passenger on the platform being tended to by police and paramedics. I took it as an omen and stayed on the local all the way into the city.

So my face bloodied, I was all sweaty, didn't make it to the gym and 20 minutes late for work. Great.

Usually when things go badly, everything goes badly and I should duck for cover. Against my better judgement I ran some errands, before heading to the office. I'd called ahead to let them know, "I'm late. (duh!) but in the neighborhood."

Hit the Apple store to pick up a few things, one iPod Photo for my friend B's birthday, his wife requested I get it and I'll be reimbursed, and… um… one for me. heh. She'd also said an iPod Shuffle, but I co-opted it as a gift that'll be one from the BF and I. The Mighty Mouse was in stock so I had to have one of those too. Add in 2 Applecare agreements, a dock and an ipod case, we have quite the spree this morning. I half expected to be knocked over and mugged as far as the morning was going.

Stopped into Best Buy. I'd overpaid on Fafner. It was unopened and I could get it cheaper elsewhere, so I returned it.

Still, my face injury has dampened my mood. I feel unsexy. I've cancelled drinks with RoboCub tonight. Going to go home, watch a movie, play some Zelda and spend some me time.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Three Steps Back

My last Anime Night, I'd caught up on most of the animes I've been watching. After a few hectic weeks of things generally not involving sitting in front of a television, I've fallen behind again. There've been a few releases that I'd been looking forward to and acquired, but I won't even jump in until I've got a fair amount of time to dedicate my attention to it.

Here are some of anime sitting at the top of the queue:


From the director of Akira. I won't sit with this until I have a free afternoon.

Ghost in a Shell - SAC 7

Ditto on this. I'll need an afternoon to savor the end of this series but fortunately not the last time I'll be seeing Major Kusanagi in action. Looking forward to Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig.

FullMetal Alchemist 4

Watched it. Loved it. The first 3 discs in the series laid the groundwork for disc 4. Now that you understand the mythos of the world of State Alchemists, they dive right into a heavy story line, steeped in metaphor for our world, dealing with government, religion and belief.
Simply awesome.

GunSlinger Girl 2

Started to watch this and stopped. Slow, mostly background stuff. Where are the guns? the bloodshed? Going to have to plow through this one.

Samurai Champloo 4

I had my reservations about this series at first and only started watching it at the recommendation of a fellow otaku. I've enjoyed the series, aside from the fact that it has no robots to speak of, but this disc puts any residual reservations to rest. Like FMA, this disc hits the ground running, with a great back story on Mugen. Has a distinct "LOST" feel, as now you know these characters, it's time for you to find out their inner thoughts and past.

Gungrave 7

This disc completes the series, of which I've only watched the first DVD. I'm going to have to re-watch it to get back into this one.

Gatchaman Collection Vol. 2

A must-have for anyone that watched the American butchered version called "Battle of the Planets." See it in it's unadulterated, unfettered Über-violence.


I shouldn't start watching any new anime while I've got so many in the queue.. but I could pass it up. I believe it's from the makers of Neon Genesis Evangelion, my favorite upon favorite animes.

Overman King Gainer

This was a new anime I started to watch, but stopped again. It's fairly cliche and routine. Big robots, with an ancient, mystical history. I'll have to give it a chance.

To pick up today:

Kung Fu Hustle

I've had a good bootleg, watched it, loved it and I'm compelled to own the domestic release. I'll be sure to watch it again as it is pure, unbridled fun.

Gantz 7

Do I want the DVD box or not? Don't know if this is ongoing or is going to stop. Great series, only getting better.

Thundercats: Season One

If you're a child of the 80s , need I explain myself?

Yikes!!! Did I say three steps back? Sheesh.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Second opinion pending. Hopefully the news was premature.

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Speaking with the landlord today, I asked if he'd seen anyone feeding the birds lately. He'd said that he hadn't and the birds hadn't been around.

I'd noticed it too. The pigeons had left the area.

My last encounter with NBF (for those just joining me, NBF is short for Ninja Bird Feeder), must've left him/her with little desire to continue feeding the avian vermin. Perhaps the possibility of retribution to one's car has something to do with it.

I still don't believe that the feeding was a humanitarian effort. There was some other motive. I'd just had a thought, was NBF feeding the birds by my house, in order to draw them away from him/her and the aforementioned car? If so, ironic, wouldn't you say?

Welcome to the BlogRoll

Hop on over and check out these guys.
Hyphenated Non-Identity
The Anchor Song

They're cool enough, but don't hold me to my word. See for yourself.

Sadly, we also say goodbye to Tranism.
He's signed off indefinitely. Take care, be well.

I've… err… been sorta… busy.

I haven't been blogging regularly and it's negligent of me. I've had plenty happening but nothing fantastically blog-worthy, IMO. But then, it's MY blog and I shouldn't have to justify blogging about anything. Guess its a bit of blog-malaise, borderline blog depression, a blog-life crisis. Well, sort of. I've really of the mind to see this blog for a long time. I'm tough minded. Once I set my mind to correct something, it'll happen. Bear with me. So I'm not "retiring" anytime soon, barring anything unforeseen like a taxicab making an illegal left turn into my person, leaving my maimed body in the street only capable of making guttural sounds before I check out.

Work is work. It'll always suck when it interferes with life in general. Life≠work. This much I've learned.

I haven't been dancing much in the past month, aside from last week's Fire Island Pines Party, which I've concluded was an abysmal experience. It won't discourage me from dancing, but it'll make me think twice about going to parties that I'd classify as "BIG & GAY," especially since I knew that there was a bad DJ. I'll listen to my instincts from now on. Dancing/Partying does have it's emotional peaks and valleys with me. I'm in one of those valleys, so much so that I passed on dancing with Robocub last night at the Roxy. (Sorry babe, I'll make it up to you.) Next weekend, I'm hoping that Danny Tenaglia at Crobar, on the eve of my birthday, will reinvigorate my dancing spirit. Here's hoping, it's not a zoo like last time.

Usually in these life lulls, I turn to those things which have given me pleasure in the past, video games. Sure, I've continually played, but of late, it has always been half-hearted. However, I've been completely engrossed with Legend of Zelda - Wind Waker on the GameCube.

I'd never been a Zelda fan before this. I'd picked it up a few weeks ago and I'm a little late to finding it, but it totally rocks. 2-3 hours a day for the last few weeks, it has been well worth the $20 value price I paid. Lots of fun and completely satisfying gaming adventure.

Distracted is a better word than busy. This emotional fog will left and I'll be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and blogging like mad. As soon as I finished Zelda of course. :)

Thanks for sticking with me.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Fire Island Pines Party 2005 (Pt. 2 of 2)

Short and sweet.

The party looked great. As we approached from the beach, the laser lights were captured by the fog. It was dreamlike. Walking in, they created corridors of green haze.


Opening DJ, Julian Marsh - WORST TIME EVER.

Exactly what I expected, exactly why I didn't want to go. I stood for the most part. Some people I met exclaimed, "The music is great." I held my tongue. Nearly bit it off. Not everyone's tastes is as discerning. The music had me severely agitated, horribly cheesy and routine. JN prodded me to dance with him. A word of advice JN, Don't.

I busied myself watching the cute boys, some dressed up as TV characters. The theme of the party was "The History of Television." Themed booths like Sex OUT of the City, Gaywatch and Desperate Housemates to name a few, lined one end of the party.

I was rapt with the cute latino boy with thick legs at the Gaywatch tent. He'd flash a his uncut penis. Impressive. I would have been more impressed if he'd gotten it hard.

Closing DJ, Tracy Young - Redemption of the Pines Party IMHO.
She played very well and was well received. Some circuit stuff, but mixed into an array of songs. Not just the anthems and the screaming diva vocals thankfully. The beach was hopping into 6:00AM when she played two encores and wrapped up.

Nicely played.

I headed back to the Grove, satisfied with the ending, but mixed as a whole.

I caught up with my sleep and grabbed some grub before heading home on the 2:55PM ferry.
We got home in one piece with stop and go traffic. It really isn't necessary to go 0-60 in stop and go traffic but that was Frank. He made me motion sick with the lerching and braking. I was amused with the fact that I think he made himself a little sick too without realizing it.

So ends the tale of my Pines Party 2005.
Again next year? Perhaps, but I think I'd like to be more involved with the party as a whole. We shall see.

Fire Island Pines Party 2005 (Pt. 1 of 2)

Friday Morning. I wasn't going. While the price of admission was prohibitive at $125, it was for a good cause, benefitting community organizations funded through Stonewall Community Foundation as well as the FIPPOA Charitable Foundation and the Pines Care Center. The DJ pairing was less than desirable. I took issue with DJ Julian Marsh, a mainstay of the gay party/dance circuit who serves up exactly what I don't want to hear: pure unadulterated circuit fodder-type music. The other was Tracy Young who from previous experiences, can turn it. Lest we forget, I was less than enthused by my last experience in Fire Island with Friend Frank. Given these factors, I couldn't muster enough enthusiasm to go to the FI Pines Party.

Middle of the afternoon, Friend Frank called.

You're coming.

Some arm twisting, huh?
Friend Frank had volunteered 4 hours of his time that Friday afternoon to help set-up the Pines Party, in order to secure a discounted ticket price of $25 (and notably, his name in the FIPPOA 2005 program.) He had fun doing it and arranged through his friend, E, to get me on to volunteer Saturday morning and get the discount.

I agreed. Guess the nutty level on my life was on low ebb. This was FF's show and I was merely a willing participant. He'd call his friend to get make the arrangements and call her for the details. I called, she never called back. Essentially, we were heading out blind and into uncertainty.

Now, on to the fiasco part of our program.
What Friend Frank story wouldn't be a little bit of a fiasco. I've come to the conclusion that his life is entropic. Therefore, mine is too because of my association.
FF said he'd be picking me up at 6:20AM to get to the island for the 8:00AM ferry.

Saturday morning. I wake, dress.

6:15AM - Sit on my stoop. Wait.

Where are you?
I just woke up.

7:00AM - He arrives. In my hand a cup of coffee, requested a few minutes earlier by phone. FF was still hoping to make the 8:00AM ferry. He also informs me, we have to stop at his father's place to pick up something. Laundry.


Shocked? Not at all. Entropy. Anarchy. I'm getting used to it.

7:15AM - On the road, FF was looking to make the 8:00 ferry. Who was he kidding? I didn't see the flux-capacitor or a newly installed warp-core. But he sure did ride that V6 like he did.

I had yet to know the arrangements of my volunteering. Who was I meeting? Where? FF was sending me to the Pine while he took my bag to Cherry Grove. Wonderful. I'd be wandering the Pines.

Hello, sir. Do you need a volunteer?

Imagine the responses I'd have gotten?

8:15AM - Just missed it. We drove into Sayville to grab some breakfast and hang until the next ferry.
9:30AM - On the ferry to the Pines with no idea what to expect. We'd gotten in touch with E and I got a who and a where. I was going to be an hour late. Shrug. I laughed inwardly and was totally unstressed. Going with FF's crazy flow.
10:00AM - Show up at the beach in the Pines. I checked in (an hour late). Ran into JN and T who also volunteered.

Tents were up as were the dance floor and booths. People were rearranging/painting display pieces but lots of people milling around, not doing anything and trying not to be noticed. Lazy!! I was eager to work but nobody could tell me what to do. Finally someone told us to get a rake and collect clumps of seaweed and whatever debris, on and around the enclosed area.

Observation: Some of the most in-shape boys, happen to be the laziest.

A lesbian taskmaster saw to it that everyone pitched in, especially with moving a 4 foot high mound of sand, that ran the length of the dance floor, back 5 feet. I did a few rounds with it, but I was thorough drenched in about 10 minutes. The fit boys? Shoveled for about 5-10 minutes and deserted the first chance they had. Whatever. What's the point of having muscles and working them, if you don't use them? Seriously. Looking pretty isn't worth shit if you're useless.

12:30PM - They distributed the ticket bracelets to the volunteers. I worked hard in my 2.5 hours and I got mine first. :)

They've got a shift coming on at 1:00PM, I hope they work out.

Essentially, $25 per hour... I made that freelancing in college. But this was for a cause.

I may look into some more causes.

Afternoon was spent relaxing, lunching at the Blue Whale. I saw this guy, but didn't get to say hello as he was walking away from me. By the time he came back around, I'd had a mouth full of food. I'd probably spittle all over him if I tried to wish him Happy Birthday.

Friend Frank ran about his "business." My friend/FF's housemate kept me company throughout the afternoon and at Low Tea. Fun. I'd been meaning to hang with J, it was good to finally do so.

Eventually a disco nap ensued.

With minor detours a la Frank, we headed out to the Pines Party, already in full swing at 11:30PM.